Chapter 19

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{Joey POV}

He was serious. I was so pissed at him. But I love him. Or loved him. I dont know. All I know is I have to save him before he’s gone forever. I went for Satsuki, jammed my keys in, and drove over the speed limit to our house. I was almost there, I could see it...Out of the corner of my eye, I see red and blue lights flashing behind me.

Joey- Shit, NO!

Officer- License and registration please..

I couldnt stand here and talk to this fucking officer while Shane might be dying inside the house!!! I opened my door and ran the rest of the way to Shane’s house.

Officer- Sir! Stop!

I knew he was running after me... I didnt care. It would be better if an officer was there, he could call an ambulance.

Joey- Follow me!! He needs help!

Shane. Shane. Shane. The only thing in my mind. Why would he cheat? Why would he go to drastic measures to kill himself? Me knowing myself I would forgive him after everything. I arrived at Shane’s house, with the police officer following close behind. I opened the door fearing the worst. The door creaked open, I looked in, and .... Nothing. Everything looked normal. Where could he be? His bedroom? Kitchen? Bathroom. Duh. I didnt want to open the bathroom door.

Joey- Shane? You in there? Are you alive?


Joey- Shane? I swear to god. If you give up I will too.

The police officer opened the bathroom door. I creeped in, and again, saw nothing.


I decided to call him..





Shane- *Coughs* I love you Joey.*Cough* Its time for me to go. *Cough*

He sounded weak. I heard the car running in the backround. The garage.

Joey- Come on! The garage! Lets go!

I opened the garage door from the outside... And saw my perfect Shane. Sitting in his car passed out. Gas started flowing out of the garage, like a toxic deathtrap. And thats exactly what it was.

Joey- Well.. HELP ME!!! Dont just stand there officer! Call someone!!! Please?!

Officer- *On the Phone* We need an ambulance right away.... Yes. Its a suicide.

Just that word. Suicide. It ripped my heart to pieces. I opened the car door, and sat in the passenger seat next to Shane. It was all I could do.

Joey- Shane... Please dont die. I need you. I forgive you. I would have forgiven you anyways..

I started tearing up, A tear fell down my cheek as I said four last words.

Joey- I still love you.

I didnt see Shanes’ chest rise or fall anymore. He was still. I checked his pulse.. Nothing.


Officer- Just got here. Sir stay calm. Everythings okay.

No. Everything is MOST DEFINITELY NOT okay. The only person I cared about enough to marry was slowly dying in front of me. The paramedics pulled Shane’s lifeless body out of the car, and into the ambulance. I demanded to be let in to the ambulance... They refused, as two larger men tried to hold me back as the ambulance started towards the hospital. I didnt even care anymore. Everything is gone. He’s gone. He is everything. I dragged my body into Satsuki, and drove to the hospital.

Receptionist-Can I help you?

Joey- Where is Shane Yaw held??

Receptionist- Right now he is in the ER. You cannot visit him. You have to come back between 10 AM and 10 PM in two days.

Joey- Can I wait here?

Receptionist- If you would like.

Joey- Thank you.

I didnt want to think of the possibilities, I didnt want to think. At all. I slept, as it was like a drug to me. I woke up  periodically between the two days, not knowing what time it was, or even what was happening. I just fell asleep until I was allowed to see Shane. The last time I woke up, the receptionist called for family of Shane Yaw. I slowly followed her to Shane’s room.

Receptionist- He’s been calling your name in his sleep. You guys must be really good friends.

Joey- Yeah, you could say that.

She opened the door, and Shane was facing against the door, probably sleeping. 

Receptionist- Ill leave you two alone.

I pulled a chair over to a side of Shane’s bed... I was facing his back. He was okay. He looked normal. I knew Shane wouldnt be able to hear me, but I started speaking anyways.

Joey-Shane...  It doesnt even matter why you did it... All that matters is that you’re okay. I love you but I think it might be best if we break up. You can have Sawyer... Ill have... myself.

Shane’s chest was heaving up and down. He was crying... He heard me.

Shane- Really? You think I want Sawyer? *Cries even harder*

Joey- Well why else would you... 

Shane- You know why? Do you really want to know why?

Joey- Yes... Please.

Shane- Sawyer came over, and got me drunk. I really didnt want to... I was wondering when you were going to get home.. then I started thinking about you... as Sawyer. So I...

Joey- That’s your excuse?

This could go two ways.. I could believe him and risk being hurt over and over again... Or not believe him.. and be hopelessly in love with him forever, while he’s with someone else. Both ways suck.

{Shane POV}

I was waiting for a response... This seemed to take years. I really did love him. Still do. How could I show him? Considering I’m in a hospital bed after almost killing myself  for him. Did he still want to marry me? Did he still want to be with me at all? I wouldnt.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter... There will be more this week!!! (This week as in the next 7/8 days) Anyways... How did you guys like it... I know its not my best chapter, but hey.. It works right? And the contest is still going!!!! If you dont know what it is.. Check it out in the A/N in Chapter 17.

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