Chapter 1: Meeting Jake Miller

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"You're not still going to that stupid concert are you?" I hear my boyfriend, Bobby, ask for the 5th time.

"Yes i'm going. Jake Miller is amazing. I still can't believe you won't go with me." I sigh checking my hair again.

"Why would i want to see some gay rapper?" He asks. I wrinkle my nose as I smell his cigarette being lit.

"He's not gay! He raps about things that matter." I say exiting the bathroom and heading past Bobby who is sitting on the couch watching some basketball game.

"Ow, let go!" I say as he forcefully grabs my arm.

"Listen bitch, if you're using this concert as a way to cheat on me..." His grip on my arm grows tighter and I can feel a bruise forming.

"You're hurting me..." I blink as tears start to come to my eyes.

"I knew it! You're cheating on me!" before i can blink his hand flies up and hit the side of my face so hard i hit the ground.

I lay there in tears. This is fourth time he's hit me. It all started when he started hanging out with a bad crowd. He got violent and started drinking alot. This would be one of those drinking nights.

"Get off the fucking floor Amanda." he orders.

I am quick to get up, gather my stuff and quickly head towards the door.

"Amanda!" he yells.

I don't answer but quickly close the door after me and down the street ordering a Uber to take me to the concert. At least when I get there i'll be safe for a couple hours.

I glance behind me to see if Bobby followed me and sigh in relief as I see that he is still at his house, probably too drunk to follow me.

As my Uber arrives, I suddenly get happy finally getting to see Jake Miller in concert. Ever since i discovered him on youtube, i was waiting for him to release tour. When he announced his first tour i saved up money till I could afford a concert ticket, unfortunately i couldn't get meet n greet, but that's okay seeing him in concert was enough for me.

As I arrive at the concert hall, my phone rings. I see it's Bobby calling. Should I answer?

"Hello?" I sigh answering getting out of the Uber and paying the driver.

"Listen baby i didn't mean any of that." Bobby slurs, i can tell he's been drinking again.

"You meant all of it. All you do is abuse me!" I say feeling tears coming. No I won't cry on one of the best nights of my life.

"You stupid bitch you never listen to me."

"There you go being a douche to me. You're not going to ruin anything for me tonight!" I pull my phone away my ear and hit the end call button. He's not going to ruin the best concert of my life.

I shove my pocket and turn a corner bumping straight into someone and start to fall over. But before I can hit the ground the person grabs my arms to steady me. I look up into the face of none other than Jacob Miller.


"I'm Jake Miller." He grins at me.

"I know. I'm Amanda Bell by the way." I say

"Amanda, cute name." he continues to smile at me.

"Thanks, Can you let go of me?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah." Jake lets go and I take a step back tripping. Lucky for me he catches me again.

"You sure you are okay?" He asks. I laugh nervously.


"okay," he lets go of me again and this time I stay upright.

"So uh...I gotta go" I say. I start to walk away but Jake grabs my hand.

"When will I see you again?" he asks. He wants to see me again? We just met.

" your concert." I smile.

"Cool." he lets go of my hand.

As I walk off to find my spot my phone goes off to see a tweet from Jake Miller.

@Jakemiller: Just bumped into an amazing looking girl

I smile and retweet him. The concert soon starts and when Jake comes on stage he looks through the crowd and smiles when he spots me .

"I found my lucky lady." He grins into the mike.

Everyone starts looking at each other and whispering. Almost everygirl claiming to be his lucky lady. I simply blush at the thought. Then utter chaos happens. Some chick hits me right in the face causing me to fall to the ground and most pit brawl starts.

"WOAH! HEY! GUYS!" Jake yells into the mike.

"Joey. JP. Edgar. Kevin. come on." I hear him say.

I try to protect myself as best as I can but when you are being hit from all directions it's hard.

"Get off her!" I hear someone yell and I'm dragged out of the chaos and into a warm embrace. I hear the screaming and cussing start to fade but I'm still too scared to open my eyes.

"Is she okay?" I hear.

"Is she dead?"

"No she's breathing."

"Wake her up dude."

I feel myself being laid down on a soft surface. My body starts to hurt from all the punches.

"I'm not touching her. She's yours Jake. She's one of YOUR fans."

"What if she sues dude? You don't need sued."

"I'm not gonna sue." I whisper without opening my eyes.

"Did she talk?" Jake asks.

"Yes I just spoke." I open my eyes slowly to see everyone looking at me.

"Oh my god! Hey, are you alright!?" Jake sits down next to me.

"I'm soooo sorry about that, if I had known that that was gonna happen I never would have said that. I just feel so bad."

"It's alright...I promise." I smile at him.

"You sure?" he looks concerned.


"okay, well.....JP go cancel this concert and let's get you-"

I interrupt Jake. "What!? You can't just cancel this concert. What about your fans here in New York!?"

"Amanda, my "fans" just attacked each other because I called you my lucky lady. If anything they deserve to go home. What if they had all attacked you?" Jake says. Im shocked he remembers my name.

"We'd beat them up." Edgar says. I giggle. Jake smiles as I giggle.

"Fine." I say. "your concert." It's true. It's his concert, if he wants to cancel it on account of little ol me, i'm not gonna stop him.

"Alright well let's get you to a hospital so we can make sure you are okay." Jake says getting up and holding out his hands. I wave his hands off.

"I can get up by myself" as soon as I try to stand I fall over right into Jake's arms, my ankle protesting. I wince as he grabs my arms to steady me he accidentally grabs my bruise that Bobby gave me earlier.

"Woah! You alright?!" he asks looking into my eyes. I find myself getting lost in his eyes. We just stand there in silence with me leaning on Jake and both of us looking into each other's eyes. Someone clears their throat.

"So to the hospital?" Edgar asks. "yeah," I say. "to the hospital."

AN: Sorry the first chapter is shitty. It was based off a dream I had lol. But It gets better I promise :) Thanks to all the people that keep reading and are now on the fourth book in the series :) Love you all!

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