Chapter 19: Shopping

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Amanda's POV

                "How about this outfit?" Jennifer asks as she holds up a cute pink dress.

                "I don't know about pink." I say. Jennifer looks at it again.

                "Yeah, you are right." She says before putting it back.

                "What about this one?" I ask holding up a blue shirt with flowers on it.

                "Too flowery." She says and I put it back. We move on to the next rack. We were currently shopping at Babies R Us for my daughter's baby clothes.

                "Hey Jennifer can I ask you a question?" I ask.

                "Yeah, what's up Amanda?" She asks.

                "Why did Jake and Madison break up?" I ask hesitantly. Jennifer sighs.

                "Madison couldn't handle  Jake being away for so long and they got into a huge fight and ended up breaking up. And now that you are in the picture she wants him back." Jennifer explains.

                "Damn right I want him back and I'm going to get him back." we hear. We turn to see Madison.

                "Really? You're back!? Don't you have a life?" I ask.

                "Shut up bitch." Madison says.

                "Hey! Leave her alone Madison!" Jennifer says defending me.

                "No, I won't leave her alone till she gives me back Jake." Madison says.

                "That's never gonna-" I'm cut off by Madison's fist in my face. I stumble back and grab the side of my face. I feel tears coming to my eyes. No, I can't cry here. Too late I feel the tears spill.

                "What the heck Madison!" Jennifer yells.

                "You want hit next?" Madison threatens.

                "Try me and let's see what happens." Jennifer says.

                "You aren’t even worth my time." Madison says.

                "Then leave!" Jennifer argues.

                "Not until Amanda gives me back Jake!" Madison argues back.

                "It's not happening! Now leave or I'll call the cops!" Jennifer threatens. Madison turns and quickly walks away.

                "Are you okay!?" Jennifer asks turning to me. I shake my head no right as the tears fall.

                "Come on." she says putting her arm around me and leading me out of the store. She leads me over to a bench and I sit down still holding my now swelling cheek.

                "Do you want me to call Jake?" She asks kneeling in front of me. I nod as tears continue to flow down my cheek.

                "Okay." Jennifer says standing up. She pulls out her phone and dials Jake's number.

Jake's POV

                "Dude! I'm gonna beat you!" Edgar says.

                "No! I'm a master at this you can't beat me!" I say.  We were sitting in Edgar's house playing Mario kart and we were neck and neck.

                "YES!" I shout as I cross the finish line first.

                "That wasn't cool…" Edgar pouts. I laugh as my phone goes off. I pick it up to see Jennifer is calling. I swear if she's calling to ask my opinion on clothes I'm gonna hang up.

                "Hello." I answer.

                "Jake, we need you." Jennifer says. She sounds kinda panicked.

                "Why? Jennifer you know I'm no good at shopping for girls." I say rolling my eyes.

                "No! It has nothing to do with shopping. Amanda is crying." That's all I need to hear before I throw Edgar's controller on the couch and rush out the door.

                "Where are you guys at?" I ask starting my car.

                "Babies R Us." Jennifer replies.

                "I'll be there in 15 minutes." I say and hang up. I honestly think I was speeding the entire way there. But personally I didn't give a crap, my girlfriend needed me.  In less than 15 minutes I pulled up to Babies R us and saw Amanda sitting on the bench crying with Jennifer next to her rubbing her back. I jump out of my car and rush over to them.

                "What happened?" I ask as Amanda stands up and runs into my arms. I put my arms around her tightly and look at Jennifer, who makes a punching motion. I pull Amanda back to look at her and frown when I see that her right cheek is all swollen and bruised. Amanda avoids my gaze.

                "Babe, who did this to you?" I ask.

                "No one babe. It was an accident." Amanda says still avoiding my gaze.

                "Babe, please tell me…" I plead.

                "One of your fans hit me…" she says.

                "One of my fans hit you!?" I narrow my eyes. What the heck is wrong with my fan base!?

                "Jake, just break up with me…" Amanda sobs.

                "What?" I ask confused.

                "Break up with me and everything will get better." She continues sobbing.

I force her to look at me.

                "Babe I'm NEVER leaving you. You are the one I want to be with. Alright? I love you and only you and if my fans can't handle that then they weren't my fans to begin with." I say.

                "Really?" she asks.

                "Yes really. No one is gonna break us apart. Not Madison, not Bobby , not even my fans." I say.

                "You promise?" She asks me with tears still in her eyes.

                "I promise." I say wiping away her tears and kissing her.

I mean it. I love Amanda way too much to give her up. And no one is gonna take her from me.

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