Chapter 17: Ustreaming with Jake Miller

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Jake's POV

                It was almost 8. That's what time Amanda, Scooter, Kevin, JP,  Joey,  Edgar  and I were Ustreaming. As it turned 7:59 I logged onto my Ustream account and Amanda took her spot next to me. I hit the "go live" button and watch as the comments blow up. It read everything from "Hi" to "Your girlfriend is so lucky" to "I love you please marry me". I laugh. Sorry girls I'm marrying Amanda.

                "Hey guys what's up?" I greet all my fans. Amanda and everyone else waves to the camera.

                "So, many of you know who Amanda is. Some of you don't." I start reading the comments.  A lot of comments are asking who the girl sitting next to me is.

                "The girl sitting next to me is my girlfriend and the mother of my child on the way." I grin at Amanda, who shyly waves and says

                "Hi guys."

                "She's like our sister for life!" Joey comments. I laugh and continue reading the comments.

                "When is the baby due?" Amanda says reading a comment.

                "ummm..we do not have a due date for the baby yet, but I am taking her to the doctors tomorrow to get her first ultrasound and we'll get our due date then." I say.

                "You guys had sex!?" Scooter reads a comment and starts laughing. In fact we all start laughing.  

              "Yes, they had sex that's how this baby is being born." Kevin says.

                "I thought the stork brought it." JP laughs.

                "I'm not letting a bird bring me my child. It better be coming out of Amanda." I say seriously.

                "Babe, calm down haha. It's not coming from a bird." Amanda laughs.

                "What is your child's name?" JP reads.

                "Umm we actually don't have a name picked out because we don't know the gender." I say.

                "You should name it Jake Junior." Amanda reads a comment. I laugh.

                "We aren’t naming it after me." I say.

                "Oh! Name it after me!" Scooter says.

                "Why would I want to name it Scooter?" Amanda asks. I continue to read the comments, most of them are baby name ideas now.

                "Because I'm awesome that's why!" Scooter says.

                "I don't think so. Jake is cooler." Amanda grins. I smile and kiss her cheek.

                "How many girls are gonna put their numbers?" JP asks reading over my shoulder.

                "A lot." I shrug.

                "Jake, they want you to sing  a song." Amanda says turning to me.

                "What should I sing?" I ask.

                "Ummm…." Amanda continues to read the comments.

                "how about….With you." Joey says.

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