Chapter 4: Chicago

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Time flew when I was with Amanda. She just made everything feel right again. I mean after Madison I didn't think I would fall for another girl. But Amanda proved me wrong. Best of all the guys started to love her and started calling her "little sis". Everything was perfect.

"And now I got an army coming with me on my mission I thank god for all of you every single night cause believe it or not you saved my life." I sing into the mic. Another show and more screaming fans. This was the first concert after the New York incident and we were in Pennsylvania performing at Hershey stadium.

"Thank you." I said into the mic and rushed back stage. Amanda grinned at me and I hugged her.

"Eww." she says.

"What?" I ask pulling away.

"You are all sweaty." she grins. I pull her back into my arms.

"Jake! YUCK!" she giggles. I kiss her on the cheek and let her go. Soon a bunch of fans came back for the meet and greet. Everything was going fine till one girl asked if Amanda was my girlfriend. I looked at Amanda who was talking to Edgar. She notices me looking, grins and waves. I wave back and turn to the girl and say


"Why?" the girl asks as Amanda walks over.

"Why what?" I ask.

"Why are you with her?" She asks. Amanda grabs my hand and I frown.

"Because I really like her. She's amazing and she inspires me." I say.

"You can do better. Like way better. No offense but she's ugly." the fan says. I feel Amanda let go of my hand and she runs off.

"She's also a pussy."

"That's enough!" I say. "MEET AND GREET IS OVER!" I yell and then take off after Amanda. I head outside and see her go into the tour bus. I head into the bus and see her sitting on the couch crying.

"Baby..." I say sitting down next to her.

"What?" She sobs and looks at me. It breaks my heart to see her like this. I pull her into my arms and rock her back and forth.

"Why do people hate me?" she sobs.

"Because they are jealous and if they don't like you they can get out of my millertary." I say. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Thank you Jake." she says.

"Anytime baby." I kiss her and while she's not paying attention I take a picture on my phone of us kissing. I pull away from her and tweet the picture.

"@Jakemiller: Millertary get used to seeing her face. She's got the glow and now I'm hitting the ground running with her." tweet sent. I smile as she reads the tweet and her face lights up.

"You are amazing, Jake." She says.

"I know." I say. The rest of guys get on the bus and we find somewhere to park for the night. That night as I laid in my bunk with Amanda sleeping in my arms I smiled and was extremely thankful for Amanda. She really was my inspiration because she accepts me as Jake. Not Jake Miller. I mean yeah my fans hate her. But they can deal. Amanda is amazing.

"Pst Jake? You awake?" I hear Kevin whisper.

"yeah man. What's up?" I ask as I scroll through twitter and read the comments under my last photo. Some girls liked Amanda and thought we were cute and others hated her. Kevin sits down next to me. "Is she asleep?" he motions towards Amanda. I look down at Amanda sleeping on my chest and smile. "Yeah, she passed out an hour ago." I say.

"She's really good to you Jake." Kevin says.

"I know she is. She treats me normal. She doesn't treat me like I'm Jake Miller. She treats me like I'm Jake." I say.

"that's good bro." he says.

"yeah, but uh what did you need to talk about?" I ask looking at him.

"Tomorrow we are stopping in Chicago for your concert." he says.

"yeah, I know." I say.

"Just be careful and don't let Amanda out of your sight. We don't need anything happening to her." Kevin says.

"Yeah, I know." I say.

"alright, that's all night bro." he says.

"Goodnight man." I say. I turn my phone off and slowly drift off to sleep.

                The next day the boys, Amanda and I were walking around Chicago. I had my shades on so hopefully people wouldn't recognize me and Amanda had one of my hoodies on and her hood was up. I held her hand tightly, not just because I didn't want to lose her but it gave me a sense of comfort.

"Hey lets go in here." Joey says pointing to a clothing store. We go in and start looking around. Amanda is silent the whole time. I pull her into an aisle and she looks at me confused.

"What's wrong babe?" I ask.

"Nothing's wrong Jake. I'm fine. Really." She smiles and I decide to let it go. Scooter comes running over. "Jake, we gotta go." he says.

"Why!?" Amanda asks. I hear screams.

"shit!" I say. I grab Amanda's hand and we take off running through the store. Somehow in the chaos I lose my grip on Amanda but when I turn around she's gone. I freak out even more and duck behind some clothes to avoid the fans. I pull out my phone and text her. When she doesn't respond I freak out. Where is my baby girl? If something happened to her i will never forgive myself. I get frustrsted as more fans run past screaming about how hot i am.

Its all the same when it comes to this game. Fans find me and i gotta hide. But ive never had my girlfriend with me when this has happened. So the fact that i carelessly lost Amanda during all this has me shaken. I just need to find her and make this right.

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