Chapter 2: the hospital and paparazzi

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I was feeling so many emotions as I sat in the hospital waiting room.

"Dude calm down. She's just a fan." Edgar says. I feel myself getting angry.

"But she's a fan that got hurt at MY concert." I say, getting more upset the longer I have to wait.

"Yeah, you'll sign her cast if she gets one and she'll go on with her life knowing that she got beat up at your concert. She'll probably unfollow you on twitter and tell everyone what happened-" Joey starts.

"Dude! You are NOT helping." I say, tapping my foot in aggravation.

"Jake you are talking like you like this girl." Jp says. They all look at me. And honestly I don't know myself if I like her. I did kind of call her my lucky lady. I'm not entirely sure why i would just call her that; I never thought that it would cause her to get attacked. I guess bumping into her before my concert was the best thing that happened all day.

My day had started off pretty shitty, from my label getting mad at me for not checking into the venue in time, also last night I might have gotten back to the bus a little late, causing us to leave late. I just wanted to walk around town and clear my head from all the stuff going on in my life lately.

But, I can't explain how I feel about Amanda just yet. I don't even know her. How pathetic am I? Maybe I'm just rebounding over Madison.

"Jake, do you like her?" Edgar asks softly. I sigh.

"maybe....i don't know yet. But I want to find out." I say.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Joey asks.

"I...I'm gonna ask her to go on tour with me." I boldly say.

"WHAT!?" they all ask clearly shocked.

"It's the only way." I say.

"Jake, what if you find out you don't like her. Then you just drug a girl all over the United States for nothing!" JP says.

"But I have a good feeling about her." I say.

"What about Madison?" Edgar asks. A question that stabs my heart.

"We broke up...she couldn't handle the distance and she ended it." I softly say.

"Sorry I asked man." Edgar says. I shake my head.

"Jake Miller?" A doctor says. I stand up and walk over to her.

"Is she okay!?" I ask. The doctor smiles.

"she is fine. She is just bruised and her ankle is sprained." She says before frowning and pulling me a little away from everyone else.

"What is it doc?" I ask concerned.

"Are you aware of the extensive bruising on her?" She asks. Bruising?

"No...I just met her tonight when some fans attacked it from that?" I ask confused.

"No, they seem to be faded, but recent. " the doctor looks at me.

"I...I had no idea..." And in all honestly i didn't know.

"Is Ms. Bell in some kind of trouble Mr. Miller?" she asks.

"I just met her tonight...." I repeat.

"Just keep an eye on her and keep her off that ankle." She smiles giving me an encouraging smile.

"yes ma'am." I say. I fully intend on keeping an eye on her, whether she goes on tour with me or not. I feel as if God didn't throw her in my life for no reason.

"I can't keep off this ankle." I hear Amanda say. I look down the hall to see her limping towards us.

"Amanda!" I rush over to her and pick her up.

"Jake what are you-"

"the doctor said stay off the ankle Missy." I say. The doctor smiles.

"You two make a cute couple." I blush at the compliment.

"we aren't dating." I say.

"Ah I see. Well Mr. Miller you might want to get out of here because the paparazzi is here." She points out the window.

"shit!" I curse to myself for not being more careful.

"Edgar take Amanda." I hand Amanda to Edgar.

"Jake what are you doing!?" JP asks as I pull off my hoodie and hat.

"Saving Amanda's ass." I hand her my clothes. She puts on the hoodie, the hat and I pull up the hood. There that should save her from the paparazzi.

"Alright put her on my back." I say. Edgar helps Amanda onto my back.

"Lets do this." I say. We head out of the hospital and into the bright flashes of the paparazzi. Please don't let them ask questions.

"Mr. Miller why are you exiting the hospital?"

"Mr. Miller who is that on your back?"

"Jake, have you made a comeback from your girlfriend Madison?" I ignore the questions and I can feel Amanda's hold on me tighten. As we get into the van Amanda looks back and the paparazzi sees her face.

"SHIT!" I quickly cover her by jumping in the van next to her.

"I hope they didn't get your face." I say.

"Why? Are you ashamed of me!?" Amanda asks.

"What!? No, trust me you don't want your face all over the news." I say as we drive through downtown New York.

"So what now?" Amanda asks softly. I reach over and take her hand but she pulls her hand away. Maybe she doesn't completely trust me yet.

"We go back to the concert hall and you can go home or...go with me...." I say. Out of the corner of my eye I see JP shake his head.

"Go with you!?" Amanda asks confused.

"Yeah, I don't know, as a way to make it up to you. Go on tour with me?" I say.

"Okay." she says.

"You'll go with me!?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah, it'll be fun. Plus my best friends will never believe that I went on tour with Jake Miller." She grins.

"Great, give JP your address and we'll stop by and pick up your things before heading back to the bus. " I say. Maybe finally i'll find out the secret behind her bruises, once i get her to trust me enough. Sometimes tells me that this is far from over.

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