Author's note

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Hey guyssss :)

It's me again haha :) Just wanted to let you all know that I AM working on this story lol you all probably thought the story died or something. But it didn't. Actually i think i updated it last.....last week i think idk for sure. But the next chapter should be up by the end of this week :) If not tonight or tomorrow. Idk yet depends on how much of the next 4 chapters i get written :) But i promise you guys that i do have the next chapter written. Chapter 18 might take me a little bit longer to finish typing but it should be done by tonight hopefully if not tomorrow night. I hope to have Chapters 17-20 done by the end of the week. I have already started writing chapter 20. Like i said don't question my writing process, because all that matters is you guys get a story....ummm the story should be ending soon because i do have the final chapters written :) And yes for you people wondering "will there be a sequel?" YES! There will be a sequel! yay!!!! :) :) :) :) Alright that's all i have to tell you guys other than go to twitter and follow my best friend Katrina :) Who will be appearing in this story very soon :) Her twitter is: @Katrina_Paxton :) YAY FOR KATRINA! :) Alright question time:

1. What do you think of my story so far?

2. Do you think we should bring back Bobby? Because personally I know several people that want to see him come back.

3. Are you guys going to see Jake Miller on his new tour, Us Against Them? If so, where?

4. What's your favorite color (From katrina)

5.On a scale of 1-10 (10 being freaking awesome) how would you rate my story so far?

and lastly,

6. Do you think Jake and Amanda's baby is gonna be a boy or a girl? And what do you think they should name him/her?

Lots of love,

Amanda :)

Day Without Your Love (Jake Miller series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now