Chapter 20: The truth comes out

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Amanda's POV

                This is so sad. I blow my nose into another tissue. I just don't understand why this had to happen at all. How could he die and leave her all alone?

                "Babe, please calm down." Jake says rubbing my back.

                "How can I calm down babe!? He's dead!" I exclaim.

                "Because it's just a movie!?" Jake says confused.

I should probably explain what is going on. It was the last night Jake and I were gonna be in Ft. Lauderdale and then we had a show in Atlanta and another hometown show and then he would be done with his tour. We were sitting on his living room floor watching Titanic and of course me being the sensitive girl I am, I'm crying my eyes out at the part where Rose is trying to wake up Jack, but she can't because he's dead.

                "Well they should have made a happier ending!" I sob.

                "Babe, do I have to turn off the movie!?" Jake asks picking up the remote.

                "NO!" someone exclaims. We both jump and turn to see Jennifer on the couch behind us. How long was she there?

                "ummm..Jennifer…how long were you sitting here?" Jake asks blushing.

                "For the entire movie." Jennifer grins.

                "And uh..were you watching the movie the entire time?" Jake asks still blushing.

                "Well I was trying to until you decided to make out during the sex scene!" Jennifer says causing me to blush.

                "Yeah…sorry about that." I apologize.

                "It's alright. I took a picture and posted it to my twitter." She shrugs.

                "WHAT!?" Jake exclaims pulling out his phone. I pull out mine and go to twitter and look up Jennifer to see that she did post a picture of us making out and captioned it "Can't watch Titanic with this going on" . Jake starts laughing and I put away my phone.

                "Now that you two are aware of your actions can we go back to watching Titanic?" Jennifer asks.

                "Yes." Jake says as I snuggle against his side again and he unpauses the movie, which just causes me to start crying all over again.

                By the time the credits roll Jennifer is sitting next to me and we are both crying our eyes out and Jake is looking us like we are nuts.

                "What is wrong with you two!?" He asks.

                "We're girls! Get used to it Jake!" Jennifer says wiping away her tears.

                "And I'm pregnant….sooo…go get me ice cream and pickles please." I grin.

                "You want……alright." Jake says getting up and going into the kitchen.

                "So you gonna tell Jake what really happened yesterday?" Jennifer asks me.

                "I don't know. I don't want him to like freak out and start crap with Madison." I say.

                "Well he's gonna be more upset when he finds out that you lied and that Madison punched you." Jennifer says.

We jump as we hear a loud shatter and turn our heads to see Jake standing there and the bowl of pickles and ice cream shattered all over the floor. Crap.

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