Chapter 3: Going on tour with Jake MIller

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I gave JP my address and I was quick to hop out of the van when we got there, mostly cause Jake kept staring at me the entire way there. What was his deal?

"Stay off that ankle!" Jake scolds.

"you aren't my boyfriend Jake. Jeez chill out." I say and limp up the walk to my house. I let myself in, glancing around to make sure Bobby wasn't hiding around my house somewhere. I  head up to my room. I grab my duffel bag and book bag, throwing clothes in them.

"So your parents gonna be okay with this?" Jake says scaring me. I jump, turning around and smack his arm.

"What was that for!?" He asks.

"You scared me." I say. He looks down into my eyes.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Its alright and I live with my aunt but she doesnt care what I do anymore." I sigh.

"I'm really sorry. That's shitty." He softly replies stepping closer to me staring into my eyes.

Once again I get lost in his eyes. He starts to lean down. Oh my god is he going to kiss me? Yes, Jacob Harris Miller, is about to kiss me. But before his lips can touch mine we hear footsteps and I jump away from him, going back to packing.  JP sticks his head into my room

"You ready?" he asks. I take one last look around making sure I have everything.

"Yeah." Jake grabs my duffel, I shoulder my book bag and we head back to the van. The ride back to the tour bus was silent but it got noisy as soon as we got on the bus. I follow Jake to the back where there were beds and set my stuff down.

"Alright since we don't have an extra bunk you kinda have to bunk in mine and I'll take the couch." Jake says. 

"That's okay I'll take the couch." I say, trying to be polite. I don't want to displace him, I mean he's the one who has to perform. 

"No, I will take the couch." he says.

"Fine." I limp back to the front, sit down and everyone goes silent.

"What!?" I ask.

"Nothing it's just weird having a girl besides Madison or Jennifer here." JP says. 

JAKE'S GIRLFRIEND! I forgot about her. Shit, she's not going to like this. Too late to back down now. I suddenly feel sad. Jake's only doing this because he feels sorry about what happened. He doesn't really like me, despite what happened in my bedroom.He probably just wants me to feel special. I'm confused. I guess I like Jake. I mean who wouldn't. He's smart, funny, cute, a rapper, tall, muscular. I am brought out of my thoughts by Jake waving his hand in my face.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, just thinking." I say. I feel my phone go off in my pocket and I pull it out to see bobby is calling. SHIT! He's not gonna like this either, but i needed time away from him.

"Excuse me." I get up and walk to the back of the bus.

"hello." I answer my phone.

"hey baby."

"Hi babe." I say.

"I heard the concert got canceled because some fan got hit because that jerk called her his special girl or something." Bobby says. I wince.

"yeah...that poor girl." I say.

"wait hold on it's on POPNEWS." he says. He turns it loud enough so I can hear it.

"Oh shit." I hear Jake say from the front.

"God damn it Jake!" JP says.

"singer, songwriter and rapper Jake Miller's concert in New York was canceled tonight because his fans started a brawl attacked when he referred to one of his fans as his "lucky lady". this video shows one of the girls getting attacked." The news caster says. I hear bobby laugh.

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