Chapter 16: Home

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Amanda's POV

                As we arrive in Ft Lauderdale 3 days later,  I was nervous as hell. I would be meeting Jake's parents today.

                "Calm down babe, they will love you." Jake says as we arrive at his house. We hop off the tour bus and the first thing I notice is Jake has a pretty big house. Oh great the rich kind of parents…great.  I jump as Jake takes my hand and we walk up to his front door and he pulls out a key and unlocks it. As soon as we enter he hollars

                "Mom! Dad! Jenny! I'm home!" I hear someone squeal and then his sister is flying down the stairs and into Jake's arms.

                "JAKE!" She squeals and hugs him tight.

                "Hey Jen." Jake laughs and hugs his sister back. She pulls away and looks at me.

                "Oooo  Jake who is this? Is this Amanda!?" She exclaims looking excited.

                "Yeah, this is Amanda. Wait…how do you know about her?" Jake asks.

                "POPSTAR  Magazine Jake. You two are all over it. Jake impregnates one of his fans." She hold up a magazine that has Jake and I on the cover and it does in fact say "Jake Miller Impregnates One of His Fans." Jake grabs the magazine and flips through it to the correct page and starts reading out loud.

                "Has singer, songwriter and rapper Jake Miller lost his marbles before he's gotten too deep into the music industry? Well sources say he has in fact done something most stars would never do: Impregnate one of his fans. Now the fan is in fact his 19 year old girlfriend, Amanda Bell. When we asked his tour manager Scooter for his thoughts on all this he had this to say, "If Jake thinks she's the one than he can go ahead and spend the rest of his life with her. As for having a child right now, I think that was a little bit rash and soon, they have only been seeing each other for like 2 months. But since she makes Jake happy who am I to stand in his way?" Well there you have it. Jake Miller and Amanda Bell are expecting a baby. Could this be the end of Jake's rap career and the start of new life as a father?"

My mind starts racing. Jake's gonna quit his rap career? No, he wouldn't do that. He loves rapping too much. I sigh and Jake looks at me.

                "Amanda, don't listen to them. Okay? I love you and I don't care what they say about us. I'm not leaving you." He says.

                "I know." I smile at him. He smiles back.

                "Well I know I'M excited that he's dating someone other than Madison…by the way Jake she was here last night asking for you." Jennifer says. Jake groans.

                "She won't leave us alone. She even went so far as to beat up Amanda." Jake says and I wince at the memory.

                "She beat up Amanda!?" Jennifer exclaims. Jake nods, but before he can elaborate his parents come into the room.

                "JACOB!" They both exclaim and hug their son. His mom is the first to notice me standing there.

                "Jake who is this?" His mom smiles.

                "Oh! Mom. Dad. This is Amanda, the love of my life and the mother to my child on the way." Jake says proudly and takes my hand.

                "Hi." I shyly say.

                "I’m gonna be a grandma!" His mom squeals and hugs me. His dad just gives Jake a high five and says,

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