Chapter 11: Pancakes and exes

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                I can't believe she would do that to me. I can't believe Kevin would do that to me. She's carrying my fucking child and she cheats on me with Kevin? I'm confused. She did say it wasn't like that.

                "Bro, can I at least explain?" Kevin says walking towards me.

                "What is there to explain? My girlfriend has been cheating on me with you behind my back." I dully say.

                "She didn't kiss me back." he says. I look at him.

                "What?" I say.

                "I kissed her…twice…and both times she didn't response. She really does love you Jake." he says sadly.

I stand up off my bunk.

                "She does?" I ask.

                "Yeah, she doesn't like me like I like her. I promise it won't happen again." Kevin says. I look into his eyes and see he means it. Now where is Amanda. I pull out my phone and try calling her. It rings but she doesn't pick up. I turn to Kevin.

                "Come with me to find her." I say. He nods. We get off the bus and I holler for Amanda with no response. Where has she gone? We decide to split up. I head towards the stage while he heads  towards the parking lot.

                "JAKE!" I hear him scream. I turn and see him kneeling on the ground. Oh god… I run over to Kevin and kneel by him to see a bloody and bruised Amanda.  The air rushes out of my lungs and I gently pick her up.

                "Who did this to her?" Kevin asks. I choke back a sob and shake my head. I stand up and carry her back to the tour bus and carry her on board. I ignore the concerned comments of my crew and lay Amanda on the couch. Kevin is the only one who snaps into action with me grabbing bandages and wash clothes to clean her up. After about 5 minutes we have her cleaned up and bandaged. It is then that I notice that I've been crying the entire time. I angrily wipe away my tears. This is my fault. If I hadn't of been so harsh; if I had just listened to their explanation…

                "It's not your fault. It's mine." Kevin says placing a hand on my shoulder.  I shake my head. I refuse to blame Kevin, even though it is partially true. Everyone clears out to give me my space with Amanda and I sit down on the edge of the sofa. I feel my phone go off and I pull it out to see Madison is calling. Why would she be calling?

                "Hello?" I answer.

                "Hey honey." Madison greets me.

                "Do you need something?" I ask. I hate to be rude. But finding my pregnant girlfriend knocked out and bloody a few minutes earlier doesn't exactly make my night.

                "Jake, come on. What makes you think I want something?" She asks.

                "The fact that you called me and you haven't called me since our break up." I say.

                "Jake, I want you back." she quietly says.

                "No." I firmly say.

                "But Jake-"

                "Look Madison you are sweet and everything but what we had is done and over with. Move on…go after Drake or something." I roll my eyes at the thought of her chances with the rap star.

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