Chapter 8: I'm not going anywhere

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"JACOB HARRIS MILLER! "I hear waking me up. I open my eyes and see an angry looking Kevin and JP. "What!?" I say sleepily.

"You had sex with her!?" Kevin asks shocked.

"Yeah." I smile at the memory but frown when JP smacks my face. "Hey! What was that for!?" I exclaim. "You had SEX with her!?" JP exclaims again.

"Yes!" I sigh. "Can we not wake her up!?" I ask pointing to a sleeping Amanda who was smiling in her sleep on my chest.

"Jake, You are gonna have to let this girl go at the end of your tour." Kevin hisses.

"Why!?" I am fully awake now. I rub my face with my free hand. My other one was wrapped securely around Amanda's body.

"Because she lives in NEW YORK Jake! NEW YORK!" Kevin says.

"So? I'll just move her into my house in Ft. Lauderdale. My parents won't mind and plus I'm sure Jennifer will love her." I say.

"What if they don't?" Jp asks.

"Then they don't. And we'll live in an apartment. Jesus you guys worry so much. What's the big deal about me having sex with her anyway? She's MY girlfriend. And I love her. And we didn't have sex..." I grin. "We made love."

"I'm going to smack that look off your face." JP says.

"What is the big deal!?" I ask.

"Did you at least use protection?" Kevin asks.

"yes." I say. Then I think about it and realization hits me. I didn't use protection and I cummed in her...Fuck, if she gets pregnant she's gonna kill me. But I think we'd make cute babies.

"Jake, I don't like that look on your face." JP says.

"Guys it's fine." I say.

"She's like our little sister man. It kinda hurts." Kevin says.

"Yeah, but she was my girlfriend before she was your little sister so calm down. Alright all that matters is I love her and she loves me. So just..go away I'm trying to sleep with her." I wince. "that sounded bad."

"Ya think?" Kevin asks before walking out. JP shakes his head and then follows Kevin. They can deal. I smile down at Amanda's sleeping form. I love this girl to death. I would die for her like I said. And they just don't get it, but Amanda is my soul mate. I'd do anything to make her smile. Amanda stirs and opens her eyes.

"Jake..." she mutters.

"Yea babe?" I say. I place my arm behind my head so I can fully look at her.

"What was all that yelling about?" She asks.

"Nothing baby. The guys are just concerned about us having sex that's all." I kiss her forehead. She smiles and stretches.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else." I softly sing to her. She giggles and gets up to take a shower. She grabs some clothes and I grin watching her naked form walk to the bathroom. I get up and put my boxers and jeans back on and walk into the living room. The guys all stare at me.

"you guys aren't gonna let this go are you?" I ask. They shake their head no except for Scooter.

"Guys, they are in love leave them alone." Scooter says.

"Thanks Scoot." I smile.

"Jake, your parents don't even know about this girl!? Unless they watch POPNEWS." Kevin says. "yeah, so? I'll tell them I met her on tour and I just fell in love." I say. Which is technically the truth. Just leaving out the hospital and Bobby crap.

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