Chapter 26

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"Dudes. It's actually happening," Soos commented excitedly, leading the pack as they followed Stan into the town hall. People were already crowded inside. "I'll finally be related to someone in power!"

"Soos, Grunkle Stan isn't related to you," Dipper couldn't help but point out, walking beside Bill and Mabel.

"He is in my dreams," the handyman responded with conviction, staring cross-eyed in the direction of a woman. She scooted away warily.

"Why did I have to attend this again?" Bill rolled his eye, unamused. "It's not like I don't know exactly how the Gravity Falls mayor is elected," the demon stated sarcastically as he sat down in one of the uncomfortable benches next to Dipper.

"We get to get off of work," Dipper pointed out contentedly as he and most of the others were seated. "That's reason in itself."

"Grunkle Stan, when you go up there, be the most fantabulous old geezer this town has ever seen!" Mabel cheered encouragement. Some surrounding townsfolk clapped her on. Many of them were the people who visited the Mystery Shack the other day.

Stan nodded. "Thanks, Mabel! I'll do my best." His time to talk at the front of the room was coming soon. He looked around, noticing that almost the whole town had showed up. Stan took his seat, ready to start yelling at a moment's notice.

Bill shrugged and looked around, spotting someone he knew. He looked over at Dipper. "Look, Tad Strange is here." The demon pointed his finger toward the most normal looking guy in town. "Everyone here is a tad strange, except for the man ironically named Tad Strange." Bill laughed at his own little speech.

The man must have heard Bill for he stood up and spoke. "Tad Strange is the name and being normal is my game," Tad said in the most normal voice.

Dipper cracked a grin, Bill's laughter bringing about his own. Soos was making his own similar comment to Mabel. Maybe he has something weird going on that we're just not aware of.

Bill shook his head. Nah. I would know about it if he did. After all, I know lots of things! the demon thought back, grinning and watching as someone stood at the front of the room to talk.

Dipper sat quietly, watching but not listening too intently to the other candidates. Many of them were just weird and unfit for the part. Though he still applauded them for trying.

Stan stood up, throwing his fez into the circle. "I'm running for mayor!" he announced loudly. Right after he said that, another hat was thrown in the circle. Bud Gleeful's straw hat.

Bud smiled at Stan. "Well, Stanford, I'm running too. Ya' see, I'm much younger than you and have a better chance at making this town great!"

Bill narrowed his eye at Bud. Hmm . . . I wonder. Is Gideon behind this or does Bud really want to run?

Oh no. He can't seriously — of course he can. Dipper scowled momentarily, remembering the day before when Bill was summoned away. Since you declined him, Gideon's probably trying to get Bud to win so he'll set him free from prison. We have to make sure that doesn't happen.

I'm sure Stan or someone else will beat Bud. I can't imagine Bud winning. Bill shrugged nonchalantly. His vision of the future was clear, especially with it rapidly moving forward.

"What did you say?" Stan nearly growled out, pointing at Bud. "At least I don't have a fat face!" Now the whole room was watching the tension between the two candidates.

"Well, we will see who people like more in the polls. Ta-ta, Stanford," Bud said in his annoying accent before walking out of the room.

The twins were equally on edge. Mabel cast a worried glance at her brother, which he returned without a second thought. She was smart enough to sense the possible danger, too.

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