Doctorbatch pt. 1

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Hi dear readers! 

This is an request from @fayzzee and I hope you'll like it

"Just come with me," one of the nurses said and waved at me. I got up from the chair in the waiting room and followed her into one of the rooms. 

"Wait here, and I'll get the doctor to look at you," she said and left me alone. 

I looked around, although every room was exactly the same in the hospital. White walls, a bed for the patient, chair beside it if there were others and a long bench that covered one of the four walls were they had all their equipment and medicines. I sat down on the bed and fiddled with the duvet. I had been here a couple of times lately. It wasn't because something was wrong with me or that i was injured, no. It was because of the doctor. 

Oh, that doctor... What I'd do to make him touch me... 

I snapped out of my day-dreaming and focused. I was feeling unwell and wanted him to take a look. Not that is necessarily was something bad, but still. I wanted to see him again. He didn't wear a wedding ring so I knew he couldn't be married, but I had no idea if he was in a relationship. However, he kept giving me smirks and looks every time I was here. 

Abruptly, the door opened and revealed a tall, handsome man with brown hair with a few curls. He was dressed in white as usual, holding files in his hands and had a stethoscope hanging around his neck. He didn't look up at me, just kept having his eyes on the papers as he walked in. 

"So, miss Y/L/N, here again are we?" 

His deep, British accent made me shiver and I felt myself already starting to get wet. And not just in my palms... 

"Yes," I got out, turning myself around on the bed so I saw him as he was standing over the bench. 

"You've come here a lot lately. But if I might say, that as my time as a doctor, I can say that you look absolutely fine." 

 He spoke while he removed the stethoscope from his neck to the bench and took on one disposable glove on his hand. He still had his back to me which gave me the opportunity to admire his muscular back. 

He must be working out beside the job. 

"Unless," he said loud as he slipped on the other glove and turned around so he faced me. "There's another reason for why you're here?" 

His sudden question made me speechless. 

Shit... He probably knows about my crush on him. Who was I trying to deceive? He's a doctor for God's sake! Of course he would know if I'm ill or not. 

"I..." - I swallowed to remove the lump in my throat - "my throat has been hurting for a couple of days and so has the rest of my body. I just came by, wondering if you could check it' not something serious." I probably sounded like a jerk, but it was the best I could come up with. 

"Right, I see," he responded, but it didn't sound like I had convinced him because he got a smirk on his face. 

Oh, those smirks made my bones weaken. 

"Lay down on the bed and I'll take a look." 

He spoke with such a neutral tone, like it was just another patient for him. 

I took of my jacket, leaving me in my grey t-shirt. It had a V-neck, and when I laid down, he could possibly see some of my breasts when he stood beside my head, but I tried to not make it obvious. 

"Okay, I'll just have a look in your mouth first," he said as he grabbed one of those mirrors they use just like the dentists when they're gonna check your teeth. 

Mr Cumberbatch stood by my side and leaned over me so he was closer to my face. "Open up," he said with his deep voice with a hint of teasing in it. 

I can open up one or two things for you, doctor. 

"Hm," he hummed sexy. "Your throat is very dry and that's what makes it hurt." He straightened himself up and put away the mirror. 

"Come on," he said and walked over to the door. I looked curious at him. 


"We have to go to another room, if you still want treatment," he said with his teasing tone again. 

I obeyed and grabbed my jacket before following him outside and down the hall. I had to walk fast if I was to keep up with him. He's got so long legs so he walked with long steps. He lead my to a room at the end of the hallway. He opened the door for me as I got in.

What he did next, stunned me. He closed the door, locked it and took of his 'doctor coat'. Under the coat, he had a white t-shirt. It sat tight around his body and his muscles in chest and arms made me bit my lower lip and I could swear that Mr Cumberbatch smirked again because of it. 

"Just get on the bed, again," he said, almost laughing it. 

"Is something funny, doctor?" I asked, trying to sound cool and perhaps a bit flirty. 

He didn't answer me though. Just heading over to the bed along with me. 

I laid down as he said, always keeping my eyes on him as he did me. Those eyes of his was the most beautiful I've ever seen. 

"So what is it here that you don't have in the other room?" I asked to try and distract myself from his good looks, but when he talked, it didn't help at all.

"You want your treatment or not?" he spoke with a determined voice you wouldn't argue with.

"Well...yes," I replied.

"Good," he said quick and came over and leaned over me. 

I felt my breath getting unsteady and had to rub my thighs together. 

"Feeling uncomfortable?" he raised an eyebrow and asked right beside my ear. 

"Should I?" I responded with my breath and looked from his eyes to his lips. 

He smirked and came even more close to my face, his lips only inches from mine. 

"Shouldn't you give me some throat lozenges or something?" 

My fingers longed to touch his hair and my body to be kissed by his well-curved lips. 

"Oh, no," he answered. "Those doesn't help for that. They only help right there and then but when you've finished one, the effect is gone." 

I licked my lips which seemed to get him a look that was intense and hungry... 

"What does help then?" I managed to ask. 

"Open up and I'll show you." 

I starred at him, totally amazed. What the hell was he talking about?

He bowed more down, almost no space between our faces. 

"Open. Up." he repeated and by that I couldn't resist but to separate my lips to which he took his opportunity. 

His lips crashed on mine and he pushed his tongue inside my mouth, earning a moan from me and I could sense a smirk forming on his face. 

Mr Cumberbatch broke the kiss, making me frustrated. 

"Did that help?" he asked, almost like he was expecting 

I let out a long breath. I was about to say yes right away, but decided to try and play along. 

"A bit," I said and tried to look untouched by him. 

"Hm..." he hummed and turned towards the bench. 

"Maybe some more will do," I tried. 

"Don't you worry," he said and turned to me again with ties in his hand. 

"I know exactly how to make you feel better." 


Part two coming soon! 

~ Cumberlocked4ever

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