Movie Night

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For the past weeks, you and Benedict have had movie Fridays. For every new Friday, the theme is different, and today it's the genre you try to stay away from watching; Thrillers. Benedict knows very well that you don't like watching such movies and you definitely don't watch them in the cinema. 

As you're changing to something more comfortable to wear, sweatpants and a t-shirt, Benedict prepares the movie and some snacks downstairs. It's been a month since you moved in together so this is the fourth movie on the list you'll be watching. However, you don't know the name of it since you told Benedict to pick it out. You make your way to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror as you put your hair up in a messy bun. 

When you arrive downstairs, you notice that the living room is dark. The only light is coming from the TV screen. Benedict meets you at the bottom of the stairs. 

"Ready?" he asks with a smile, trying to cheer you up. You reach out your hand for him to take. 

"Can I skip it?" you ask politely, but he only chuckles and drags you over to the couch making you groan. Benedict sits down in the corner of the couch and picks up the remote. 

"47 meters down. A shark movie?" you ask, reading the title on the screen. "Great two things I don't like in one movie, scary and the deep." 

"Come on, Y/N. It's not like they're gonna swim out of the screen," he jokes and pats the seat beside him. "Sit. We're gonna enjoy this like we have with the others. I picked this because I don't think it's that scary compared to the Conjuring or any of those." 

"Yeah..." you reply a bit hesitating while sitting down. Smiling, he puts his free arm around you and presses play on the remote. 

The first fifteen minutes, nothing special happens, but it's when the characters go down in the shark cage and are being lowered down underwater, you get ready for the parts that are gonna make you jump in your seat. 

"Here we go," you say and takes some crisps from the bowl. Benedict pulls you closer to him as you sink a bit down so your head rests on his shoulder. You support your knees up by holding around them and Benedict grabs a blanket. He folds it out and lays it over you and partly his crossed legs. 

"Don't you worry," he says and kisses the top of your head. "I'll protect you." 

Suddenly, you lift your head to look at him. "That's why you're so happy tonight. You want to watch this so you can hold me and stuff." 

"No," he says with a funny face, but you lift your eyebrows at him. "Alright." He drags the word out and pulls you even closer so you fall forward but you lift yourself up again. Resting your head on his shoulder once more, you return your attention to the movie. 

"I love you," you say quietly and he looks down at you and rests his chin on your head. 

"I love you more." 

*  *  * 

Further into the movie, you and Ben have shifted positions. He's now leaning against the armrest with his legs stretched out on the couch while you are lying between them with your head on his chest. The blanket is covering you up to your neck and Ben has his arms wrapped around you. It's in the middle of the movie and things have gotten really bad for the characters so you are prepared to be startled every second.

"She's crazy. The shark is out there, we all know it," you comment when one of the characters swim out of the cage, making Benedict chuckle. You've been commenting once in a while to see if it would be easier to watch, and it turns out it does. 

However, it doesn't stop you from jumping when sudden things happen. And every time, you tighten your grip on Benedict's shirt and sometimes hide your face in his chest. 

You feel a big relief when the movie is over and you can finally breathe out. Although it wasn't that bad, it's just that you don't like to be intimidated.

"Now from a scale from one to horrifying, how bad was it?" he asks you when he's turned off the TV. It's now almost completely dark so you can only glimpse each other's silhouettes.

"Maybe a sixth," you respond smiling, not knowing if he sees it or not.

"Told you that you would be fine, didn't I? I could've found a more scary one but decided to go a bit easy. I know it's not your favorite kind of movie." He plays with your hair as he speaks. You're still lying in the same position. It's so comfortable that neither of you wants to move.

"But I'm glad we watched it," you say while making circle movements on his chest with your fingers.


Lifting your head up, you give him a kiss. "Yeah." Without hesitation, he kisses you back by pulling you down as his hand manages to undo the bun so your hair falls down your back. 

"Want to go to bed?" he asks. 


You get up from the couch and make your way to the stairs when Benedict separate from you to go to the bathroom. Just as you're done changing to one of Benedict's t-shirts you're sleeping in, a loud bang comes from the direction of the bathroom. You jump by the sound and wait to see if something else happens, but when nothing does, you get curious. 


No answer. 

Your curiosity changes to worry as you slowly walk out of the bedroom. "Ben? Are you okay?" With still no answer from him, you speed up the pace and checks the bathroom. To your surprise, it's empty. Backing away, you take a look around, but all the lights are turned off which makes it difficult to see. 

"Ben! This isn't funny."

Going back to the bedroom, you're about to turn on the lights when someone comes up behind you, wraps their arms around you and screams. The whole thing makes you scream out of fear before you turn in Benedict's arms and punch him lightly on the chest. 

"You! That was not funny!" you tell him but can't help but laugh along. 

"It was a little bit," he says, trying to get you to admit it and kisses your neck. 

"No," you say and try to get out of his grip but he just drags you with him down on the bed. 

"Ah!" you can't stop laughing as he holds you down. You know very well he's the strongest so there's nothing you can do. But you're not complaining. 

"Then why are you laughing?" he asks and you look up at him and ruffles his hair. 


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