Playdate (1)

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I've been writing this for my tumblr and since I don't have other finished imagines I thought I'd give you this one too :)


Just another typical Sunday afternoon in London. It’s the last days of January, so you’re dressed up in jeans, boots and a long coat with a scarf around your neck. There isn’t any snow, to your relief. Not that you don’t like it, but you’re longing for spring and the warmer days.

At the moment you’re walking through Clissold Park. You go here occasionally but try to vary the environment as much as you can. Since it’s Sunday and the sun is shining, there are lots of people around: elder couple passing you, children running across the grass, a woman feeding some ducks, a bird comes flying towards you, raising high up in the sky.

Then, around a bush from the same direction as the bird, a little dog suddenly comes running. For the next few seconds, you don’t see a person coming after but he or she can’t be far behind as the dog has it’s leash on and everything. It’s a chocolate brown Cocker Spaniel that can’t be much more than a few months old. He’s also wearing a dog’s coat so he’s less likely to freeze.

More people are starting to stare after the running puppy and since no one shows any trends in catching him, you decide to give it a try.

Kneeling down, you begin to make different noises, whistling and clicks with your tongue. The puppy pays attention for you right away by stopping and wagging his tail from side to side.

“Hey,” you say to him with a light, friendly voice. “Aren’t you a beauty? Come here,” you whistle again and it looks like he’s trying to decide if he should do so. To try and move things faster, you lean back on your elbows while still calling for him. Luckily, it works because he sprints towards you and starts climbing up on you and you laugh while trying to avoid getting his tongue in your face.

“That’s a good boy!” you say and fish up a dog treat from your pocket to give to him as a reward.


A man’s voice calls from the same spot you first saw the puppy, assuming it belongs to the owner. You take a hold of the leash and get back up on your knees just in time to see the man come jogging up to you.

“Oh, thank God,” he mumbles relieved and that’s when you recognize him.

Oh my God, it’s Hiddleston!

He stops right by your feet and Bobby greets him like he just came home from work. Tom kneels down too and pets him while you’re still holding the leash just in case.

“You are a little troublemaker, aren’t you?” Tom chuckles to his happy Cocker. Then, he lifts his gaze up at you. “Thank you so much. He saw a bird and wanted to have some fun chasing it. Apparently, he seemed to have forgotten what his name is.”

“No problem, I recognize the situation. Been in it myself,” you say and smile. You can’t believe you just helped Tom getting his dog back.

“You have a puppy too?” he asks interested.

“He’s three years old now, but still acts like one so yeah in a way.”

Tom chuckles shortly and you give him the leash.

“Lucky your little pal here isn’t shy to strangers. Otherwise it could be hard to catch him.”

“Yeah, he seems to just love everyone.”

“Mhm, same as my dog. He wants to greet everyone we meet, dogs, people. No matter the size or age.”

“He isn’t with you today?” Tom asks while looking around as if he’s searching for him.

Benedict Cumberbatch & Tom Hiddleston ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now