Pressure (1)

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Thank you for over 40K readers! 

Wow, I wouldn't be continuing this if it wasn't for you guys! Your votes and comments means sooo much to me! :) 



This will be part one of two. The other one is something I've come up with myself and thought it can fit together with this one.


People read the news every day. Some the old fashion way with papers, but most people take the technology way and read it online. You are one of those people. Especially, after you got together with Benedict Cumberbatch. When people found out, pictures were quickly spreading on all social media pages. 

At first, it was kind of fun. People were friendly, kindly asking if they could get a photo or to ask a question. But now, it' gotten more intrusive. They push you more and it doesn't matter if you're out with Benedict or not. Every time you leave the house, either if it's for work, shopping, or just a stroll. Someone always shows up. One person, two, ten... That doesn't matter. But it's beginning to get on your nerves.

It's constantly on your mind.

When Benedict arrives home from work, he changes to another pair of jeans and a light blue button-up shirt, leaving it open in a V-neck. You are wearing a pretty, simple dress fit for a nice evening out. Benedict takes one of his jackets off the hook and gives you yours as well.

You were gonna have a date night with dinner at an Italian restaurant. Benedict had ordered a car to take you so he could also have wine to the food. It stood outside, waiting. You get in and the driver takes you to the restaurant.

Having ordered and gotten the food, you try your best to cheer yourself up for him. "How was the reading today?"

"It was great. It went really well. I'm excited to begin shooting this movie."

"That's wonderful," you reply, but not fully listening to him. You barely touch the food in front of you. Only with the fork. When Benedict notices it, he stops eating and tilts his head a little.

"Y/N, are you alright?" he asks gently. You bite the inside of your cheek while looking down at your plate. "Did something happen at work?"

"I wasn't at work today," you reply simple and straight.

"Why not?" he asks, more worried. "Are you not feeling well?"

Slowly, you shake your head. "In a" He frowns his brows and puts down the fork.


You look up at him and instantly feel bad about this whole thing. It's not that you blame him for the media putting a lot of pressure on you. You made the decision yourself to get together with him and you knew that the media would publish you together. 

"Hey, honey. Talk to me." He stretches out his hand to take yours and strokes his thumb over your knuckles. His touches always make you calmer. You really love him and you don't want to make him upset over this.

"It's just something that's been on my mind lately," you start and exhales.

"What is it?"

"Look, before you say anything, just let me finish."

He nods. "Okay."

Taking a deep breath, you try to come up with the right words. "I didn't go to work today because of the attention I get every time I set a foot out the door. Now, I know it would happen when we got together, but I thought I would be fine with it. And I was at first, but now it's become more like a part of my daily plan. Like every day I get up from the bed, I eat at least three meals, brush my teeth... and then there's the press wanting for their daily dose."

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