A Christmas Miracle

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This is quite long, the longest one so far with almost 7000 words

If I had started on this earlier and had more time, I would maybe have written this more detailed, but here you go! 

Have a Merry Christmas everyone! 


Seven days till Christmas.

Right now, you sure wanted to throw the TV remote against the wall. The news lady says several flights have been canceled because of a strike from the pilots. And they couldn't have timed it in a worse scenario. It's closing up on Christmas time, and you were supposed to travel back home to New York. This trip to London was just gonna be a little holiday break to do some Christmas shopping in another country. However, now it seems like you have to stay here for a while longer. Even at Christmas.

Not that it's too bad, hadn't it been for not having that much money and the hotel is rather expensive when you spend so many nights there. This is definitely gonna cost you a lot. Another thing that you can add to that list, is that you came alone and know no one in this city. So this will be your first Christmas alone, which is also gonna be the most expensive one. Isn't that ironic?

Six days till Christmas.

You love Christmas. Always have. It's a time full of hope, joy, and magic. That's why you spend as much time as possible outside the hotel room but are careful when it comes to spending money. Not exactly ordering the fanciest meals. The city glows with lights and busy, excited people all over. The streets are covered in white layers, creating traces from where people, animals, and vehicles on two and fours have been. Choirs are singing Christmas songs, children making snowmen in the parks, and the stores are full of people looking for the right gift for their loved ones. It all reminds you of home.

As you're walking in your own thoughts, you abruptly stop when a bunch of children runs right across your path. Following them with your eyes, you see them hurrying up to a Christmas store.

Inside, you see them form a line for a chance to sit on Santa's lap. He laughs and smiles big at the hopeful boys and girls in front of him. You stop to observe the image and smile to yourself. When you were at those kids' age, your father used to take you to see Santa yourself.

The shop is cozy and pretty. Just the perfect amount of size. You take a quick walk around before ending up with the Santa and children again. Finding yourself dragged into the moment, you don't realize that Santa has told the kids he's taking a break, left his big chair and is now marching in your direction.

"Find what you're looking for, Miss?"

Snapping out from your mind, you see him standing before you in his red and white dress, long, curly white beard and a big smile.

"Not sure yet," you reply and he gets a pair of questionable eyes. "I was supposed to fly home to New York but it got canceled so I have to stay here over Christmas."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Have you anyone here to be with?"

"No. I'm alone. But I'll be fine, it's just a couple of days."

"You know, one isn't really alone at Christmas. One only has to go out and you're surrounded by people who cherish it just as much as you do. I'll tell you what, come here." He leads you to a big, black pot that contains lots of little paper pieces. "Write down a Christmas wish and put it in here."

Even though you know such wishes hardly come true, you do it anyway. Writing down three words and dropping it into the pot does make you feel a little better, though you're not holding your hopes up.

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