Protective Tom - Part 2

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Two days later 

Without any luck on the search for a new place, you're still sleeping in Tom's guest room. It's really fun, but you also find it harder to be around him, especially when it's in his own home, where he is relaxed and just lays back.

God, he's handsome. Shut up! I can't think like that. I have to focus. I'm leaving here any day.

Tom has been truly amazing. So amazing, you've almost forgotten Jack and his demanding actions. He's been making you tasteful dinners, made you laugh till your stomach hurts, and made you fall for him even more than you already were before meeting him.

"Y/N!" he calls and takes a large step towards your door, knocking once, and opening it. However, he quickly draws back when he catches you in jeans and a bra, that you just hooked behind your back. You make a sound that's something between a gasp and giggle.

"God! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to barge in like that." he makes a grimace and keeps his face down, still holding the door open. You put your lip between your teeth to hold back a laugh, which Tom doesn't. He clears his throat. "Ehm... I eh- I'm going so you can finish getting dressed." Without looking at you, he leaves, closing the door after him.

Oh my God! Tom just embarrassed himself by practically seeing me half naked.

Mostly, you hate people when they do that. Not that it has happened a lot. But in this situation, you just find it amusing.

Once you've put on a fresh t-shirt, the color of dark green with a v-neck, you walk out of the room and into the living room. After you informed the police about Jack, you went to his place to get most of your stuff. And just to be sure nothing happened to you, Tom had gone with you.

Finding Tom sitting on the armrest, you slow down your pace and fold your hands in front of you. When he notices you in the corner of his eyes, he almost jumps up.

"I'm terribly sorry. I shouldn't have interfered."

"It's okay. No big deal really."

Yeah, like that is true.

"I didn't see much. I promise," he hurries saying, lifting his hand up.

Gosh, he's so cute. His cheeks are blushing.

"Please, there's no harm done," you giggle and finally, he smiles too. "It's your house after all."

He hums and looks over his shoulder quickly like he doesn't know where to rest his eyes, but turns back to you. "I just wanted to ask... Well, this morning, my friends asked if I wanted to go out with them tonight, and I'm wondering if you'd like to join?" At the end of the sentence, he narrows his lips and tilts his head with a rather hopeful expression.

Your lips part and you look stunned at him. "Oh, eh..."

"You don't have to. I just figured it would be good with a night out after-" he takes a deep breath while you nod. You keep your head down for some seconds, making him wait for an answer.

"My friends know how to have a good time. They'll definitely get your mind off everything else."

"Well, I think you do that job perfectly well alone," you say, biting your cheek as you do. The corner of his lips moves to a smirk.

"Come on, what do you say?" he asks, playfully hitting your arm. "I bet you'll like them."

When his smile doesn't fade, you know he's serious about this. "You actually want me to meet your friends?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he says, "Why not?"


As Tom lays down the collar of his jacket, he looks at you. "You seem nervous."

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