The Graham Norton Show

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The audience around you is whispering about how excited they are for the guests to arrive. You are excited as well because this is the first time you get to see this show with your own eyes and not through the TV screen. You're sitting on the edge of one of the benches in the middle. Smiling to yourself as you look down on your hands, you get slightly startled when everyone suddenly starts cheering.

"Hello, hello, and good evening, everybody!" Graham shouts from downstairs as he comes out on the stage waving. He then claps his hands when he stops. "Thank you very much! And welcome! To this very special evening. We have a spectacular show in store for you tonight!" The crowd keeps clapping their hands and cheering as Graham continues his monologue. "In a minute, Johnny Depp and Benedict Cumberbatch will be joining us. Yes, they will!"

Now, the audience goes even more crazy, some adding whistling to the noise. It's understandable that they are so happy to be here when these two actors are gonna be here. You are probably the one who's the quietest although you also give your dose of clapping. Earlier, you stood by Benedict's side at the red carpet, and now you're gonna watch him star as a guest on your favourite talk show.

Graham chuckles at the audience's response. "Now, calm down. Calm down, Cumberbitches and Depp..." Everyone gets dead silent when he starts talking again. "... I don't know what Depps are...Depperbabes? I don't know what they are."

Laughing is shared in the room and then Graham continues a short monologue, announces the artist that's gonna sing later, and then it's time to bring in the men.

"He's an Oscar-nominated star, he's won legions of fans. He's the greatest detective of all times. Please welcome, Benedict Cumberbatch!"

A second after, the British actor comes jogging up the stairs from behind the wall and waves to the fans in front of him. Graham rushes over, shakes his hand followed by hugging him. On the sideline, you happily clap your hands as Benedict takes a seat on the red couch. 

"Now, now, we still have another guest, ladies and gentlemen," Graham reminds them. "One of the most brilliant actors of all actors. He has played roles from Willy Wonka to Captain Jack Sparrow. Now, currently getting his best reviews in the carrier in Black Mass, it is, Johnny Depp, everybody!" Out comes Johnny, who is received with a shake and a hug from the host. Benedict gets up to greet him with a good hug as well.

Once all three of them have found their seats, Graham welcomes them. "You're both very welcome, lovely to see you both." Both the men reply with thank you, then Jonny says,

"I feel like we're so far apart," gesturing towards the rather big space between him and Benedict, who glides closer to him.

"Snuggle, snuggle! There you go," Graham says when Benedict puts his arm around Johnny's shoulders. "That's adorable!" The crowd laughs.

The time goes by, and everyone seems to have the time of their lives. Graham asks Johnny if he enjoys being in London and about Prince Charles and "the other one". They move the subject over to their new movie, Black Mass, which Johnny has the main role in and Benedict plays his character's brother. Then, Graham has a little surprise for Benedict because he found something that a girl wrote on Reddit after seeing him in Boston on location for the movie. Something about his height, smell and good looks. You can't help but laugh along when Graham reads it out loud.

Once he's done, and everyone is laughing, Benedict takes a quick look in your direction, easily finding your eyes. You try to hold back your laugh and shake your head amused. Your boyfriend looks down for a second before returning his attention to Graham. They continue with Black Mass where Johnny and Benedict explain their roles and the plot before a short clip is shown from a scene with both of them in.

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