Playdate (3)

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You’ve been driving for half an hour already. Looking over your shoulder, you can see Bobby sleeping in the cage. “He seems to be handling to be in a car easy. When Shadow was a puppy, he complained all the time, he didn’t like it at all.”

With a quick glance up in the little mirror at the top of the front window, Tom can’t see your dog. “Doesn’t seem to be troubling him now.”

“No, luckily it worn off. Now he runs out to the car when I open the door after picking up my car keys, afraid he has to stay behind,” you chuckle.

The two hours go by very fast, probably because Tom is such a good company, and you keep up a conversation all the time.

When you get real far away from the civilization as more nature surrounds you, Tom glances shorty over to your side. “Any clues on where we’re going?”

“This isn’t the part where you drag me deep into the woods to kill me, is it?”

Tom burst out laughing. “You’ve seen too many movies.”

He turns the car to the right to a smaller path and four seconds later, a wooden cabin comes in sight. It’s surrounded by trees so it’s concealed from any neighbors.

“Wow, it’s beautiful. Is it your parents’?”

“Yes, we bought it when I was six. I’ve spent many weekends and holidays here.”

After parking the car, you let the dogs out freely because Shadow won’t go anywhere and Bobby has grown so attached to him - and definitely Tom - so the chances of him running off is quite low. If not an animal comes by.

Tom quickly carries the baggage inside while you wait by the car. When he comes back, he shows you to a path behind the cabin as you’ve decided to let the dogs go running for a while.

You keep walking until the path leads you out of the forest. Before you now is a cliff with a stunning view. Down below there’s a lake and some more trees with mountains in the far distance.

“I thought you would like it. Lucky the fog relieved otherwise we wouldn’t be able to see much. Looking up, you narrow your eyes by the warm sunlight.

“It’s beautiful,” you reply.

Shadow and Bobby keep their distance from the edge and wait for you to keep moving.

“Perhaps we should head back. We’ve already been walking over half an hour and I believe someone is getting hungry,” Tom says, turning over to the dogs.

While walking back, Tom is unimaginable close to you, first thinking it’s because the path isn’t that wide, but when it does and he’s still so close, you come to mind that there might be another reason. Your arms touch for almost each step and only that makes your heart beat faster.

When you get back, the dogs enter the cabin first once Tom has opened the door. The first thing he does is to take Bobby’s bowl and fill it with water.

In the meantime, you take a good look around. As the outside, the walls on the inside are also of the typical wood type cabins have. The room is both kitchen and living room, just the fit size to be a cabin. A dark brown couch that’s big enough for two, a matching armchair to its left, TV on a little counter by the wall. There’s also a fireplace on the other side of the room, carpets almost all over the floor, a bookshelf with lots of books - obviously - and a guitar!

“You alright?”

Tom’s voice that suddenly appears right behind startles you, making a chuckle come from him.

Benedict Cumberbatch & Tom Hiddleston ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now