Robert's Beach House

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For Chris Hemsworth's birthday, you, your boyfriend Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan and Tom Holland have arranged a party for him at Robert's beach house. It has it's own little beach so no one will disturb you. Since Chris' birthday is on Saturday, you all arrive there Friday on during the day since some of them are working and some aren't. Robert had given Evans and Holland one of the keys to the house since he could drive there early. Robert also has them the task to do the grocery shopping.

As for you and Tom, you arrive there secondly, that being around two or three on the day. Tom parks the car beside Chris'. You're in awe as you step out. The house is modern build, dark brown paint on the walls and black roof. From this view, it's blocking the sea but you can feel the smell of salty water that comes along with the breeze. And you can barely hear the sound of the waves splashing on shore. You can't wait till everyone gets here so you can start the celebration and just have a weekend filled with laughter and fun.

"It would be something to have such a place, wouldn't it?" Tom says as he comes up beside you carrying both yours and his luggage.

"Definitely," you reply and smile up at him. "Come on, let's see what the others are up to." Just as you say it, Chris rounds the corner of the house barefoot in a pair of black shorts, white tank top and sunglasses.

"Welcome to paradise!" he calls, stretching his arms to his sides. Walking up to you, he gives you a good hug and Tom a handshake followed by half a hug since one of the bags are hanging over Tom's shoulder. "Come on in! This place is amazing. We're gonna have so much fuun!" he sings out the last word and practically dances back the way he came.

"Have you had a drink or four already?" you joke as you and Tom follow him.

"Why do you ask that?" he turns as to look confused but breaks it off with a laugh.

Coming around the corner, you now see the beach and the sun right above it. The sundown must be incredible from this view. You arrive at the porch where there are two towels on the floor and an empty glass on a little box beside them. Chris leads you through the open porch door and inside.

To the left, there are two couches. One shaped as an L with a flatscreen on the wall and behind that couch, there's another one but as a complete circle and a round table in the middle. Right ahead, there's a dining table and to the left, the kitchen. Also by the opposite wall to the left, you see a hallway that disappears because of the wall. Everything fit so well with the colours and the design.

"I see you and Tom haven't crashed the place yet," you say.

"What on Earth has given you such an idea?" Tom asks while coming out from the hallway.

"Oh, just give it an hour or two," your Tom comments while smiling at your friend who's approaching. Tom puts down the bags and gives your friend a hug.

"You have no faith in us, do you?" Chris asks and Tom laughs. Next, Holland hugs you.

"Well, you're always the ones who's the most childish," you add and both Chris and Holland gasp fakely.

"Them and Sebastian," Tom mumbles and this time you giggle.

"What about me?"

"Hey, speaking of the sun!" Chris shouts and comes over, handing a beer each to you and Tom. In from the porch comes Sebastian, Robert and Chris.

"Now the party can officially get started!" Holland joins in.

"That's right, Downey is in tha house!" Robert raises both hands up in the air, his hands doing peace signs.

When everyone has greeted everyone, Robert shows you around the rest of the house and points out which bedroom you others can compete about. Once you and Tom get one, you both change; him to dark blue shorts, grey t-shirt with a v-neck and you to black shorts and a pink tank top.

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