Playdate (2)

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It’s been two weeks since your first playdate with Tom, and during those two weeks you’ve been on seven more. To you, it feels like you’ve bonded better but it also feels like he’s holding himself a bit back. Like he’s afraid to open up. It’s understandable though. You are after all a fan of his. But it must be something more than that now when you’ve gone for walks together more than once a week. You want to say that you’re friends on the early stage but since you haven’t had that kind of a conversation with him, you haven’t told anyone that you’ve been meeting him, and you don’t think he’s told anyone about you either. At least nothing more than that you’ve been accompanying him during walks. 

Tom’s p.o.v.

My mother has just arrived to the parking lot. It’s been some time since she last met Bobby, so I invited her for a walk. He welcomes her with a lot of love and she happily takes. 

“He seems just as glad,” she says as they start walking side by side.

“Mhm,” I hum, putting my hands in the pocket of my jacket.

“So, how’s my boy? Anything new happened since we last spoke?”

I hesitate before answering her. There has indeed happened something. “Well, Bobby has a new friend,” I say, starting with the easiest part.

“How wonderful! Tell me about this friend.”

“He’s a Golden Retriever, just like you and dad used to have. He’s three years old and is amazing with everyone he meets.”

“And does he have a owner?” she smiles at me, elbowing me lightly in the arm as if she knows. Of course she knows. She’s always been able to tell when there’s something on my mind.

I move my gaze to the ground, not sure of what to say really. The walks Y/N and I have shared have been great. Really great to be honest.

“Tom, talk to me.” My mother’s soft voice brings me to look at her again.

“Her name is Y/N,” I begin.

“Ah, I knew it was a girl! And a pretty one too i think,” she brings her free arm around mine as a sign she wants all details.

“Yes,” I mumble, not being able to hide a smile. “But we’re only on friend basis. “We met two weeks ago. She managed to call in Bobby after he ran after a bird. We got talking and she mentioned Shadow, her dog, and I…asked her if she wanted to join me for walks.”

“And you get along well?”

“We do. Our conversations are great. She told me the first time we met that she’s a fan, but she hasn’t bothered me with questions about my work. Not that we haven’t talked about it, but we do in a very grown up way, if you know what I mean. She also said the last time I saw her that she hasn’t spoken to anyone about our meetings because she respects my privacy.”

“And now you’ve developed feelings for her, haven’t you?”

“I’m not entirely sure. But if that’s the case, I don’t think I’m ready for another relationship.”

“I know it’s been tough the way your last one ended. But I think having a new girl in your life is just what you need. You’re cautious about letting others in, I understand that. But Y/N sounds lovely. Valentine’s Day is almost upon us. Think about till then if you believe she’s worth a try.”

“Even if that’s the cause, I hardly believe she’s ready to go out on a first date where people most likely will see us.”

“Who said anything about the date having to be public?” she smiles and winks at me.

*  *  * 

Your p.o.v. 

To your big surprise, you had received a text from Tom the day before if you had plans on Valentine’s Day, which is today. For the first couple of minutes, you had no idea of what to reply, but you didn’t exactly want this opportunity to go to waste. So you settled with telling him that you didn’t have plans other than to walk Shadow and perhaps go to the movies or something. Just to not sound like you were depressed because you don’t have a boyfriend who can take you out. The answer he then came with was more enough to bring a huge smile on your face. 

I know we haven’t known each other for long, but I’d love to ask you out. For the whole day. I know somewhere we could go. If you want to, of course. I know I’d be very happy if you said yes.

Tom x 

It’s the first time he used an “x” after his name so he must be serious. And never have you felt happier about a guy asking you out so you gladly accepted to his offer.

Now, you’re trying to decide what clothes to pick out. This morning he had sent you a list with some things you might need for the day, and by the items on it, you figure you’re both gonna be outside and inside. He didn’t want to tell you more as it is a surprise and he’s coming to pick you up around noon. So without question, you pack a small bag with everything you’d be needing, constantly wondering what he’s planning. 

You put on a pair of black jeans, a t shirt that you cover with a fleece jacket. In the bag you have a nicer outfit and high heels that you believe you’ll put on later today and some food for Shadow, because the dogs are apparently coming with you to wherever you’re going. 

On your way out, you put on a pair of sneakers and take a short coat with you over your arm. Tom has just arrived and is outside the door just as you open it. 

“Hi,” you say, a bit startled. At first you thought it to be someone else because the Tom you saw last time was different from the one who’s standing before you now. His hair is shorter and his beard gone, only a bit of a stubble left. 

“Hi,” Tom smiles back.  Shadow runs out from behind you to greet his new friend. “Hello, buddy!” he kneels down to pet him quickly before raising to his feet. 

“You shaved!” you say, perhaps a bit too shocked in your voice, but you didn’t expect to see him like this. 

“Yeah.” When he sees the expression on your face, his smile drops. “Does it look bad? I did it myself and wasn’t sure if-” 

“No! It looks great!” you hurry saying. “Missed to see that pretty chin of yours.” - And not to speak of those lips…

He chuckles and blushes. “Thank you. Now, may I help you with that?” he asks and takes the bag out of your hand gently before you get to protest. His car, a Jaguar, is waiting for you in the driveway. He opens the side door and puts the bag in the seat next to a dog cage where Bobby is placed. Once he sees his owner, and probably Shadow in the background, he starts whining. “I know, pal. But you’ll have to wait for a bit,” Tom tells him and closes the door. “Shadow can sit in the luggage room. Do you want to have a cage for him or can he be lose?” 

“He’s fine without. I trust you to be a safe driver,” you say while locking the front door. 

“Shadow,” he calls and the Retriever instantly obeys him and jogs over to the back of the car. Opening the door, Shadow jumps right in. “Good boy.” He push the door shut and walks back to the front to open the door for you as well. 

“Thank you.” 

Before you get to set yourself in, he gently touches your arm. 

“I’m glad you wanted to come,” he says softly with a genuine smile. 

“Thank you for asking,” you reply and smile back. “I guess there’s no point in asking where you’re taking us.” He jokefully says "no" with a smile.

You get in while he has one hand on the door. “But I can tell you it’s a two hour drive. Hope that’s not demotivating you.” 

“With you I don’t think anything could,” you respond and it causes him to chuckle a bit nervously as he did the one time you first met. He closes the door and you watch him as he walks around the car and gets inside in the driver’s seat. He puts the car in first gear and drives it slowly out on the main road. “Right, here we go.” 

Benedict Cumberbatch & Tom Hiddleston Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن