Protective Tom - Part 3

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The sleep came quite fast to your surprise. But it didn't come peacefully. Soon, you aren't in Tom's guest room but back in Jack's place. 

You're in his bedroom, pacing anxiously back and forth while fiddling with your hands. Suddenly, the door flies open and in comes Jack with fast and determined steps. He takes your wrists and pushes you down on the bed. 

"You think you could escape from here?"  

Tears come streaming down your face right away. You don't try to fight against him. You've tried to so many times before but it's never worked. He pins you down into the sheets by trapping you with his own body. 

"You're mine!" he hisses and uses now one hand to hold your arms over your head while his other undo the button on your jeans. You whimper under his touch which draws his attention. His hand moves from your hip to your neck where he takes a strong grip. "Shut up!" 

Then, you get a chance to give him some pain. As he adjusts himself, your right leg gets free so you use it to shoot your knee in his crotch. He groans in ache and you manage to push him off you so you can get up from the bed. 

Making a run for the door, you get out and rush for the stairs. Jack follows right behind and catches up right before you take your first step downwards. You scream and wriggle all you can, but he slaps you hard in the face and slams you against the wall. 

With that, you abruptly awake and sit up, now finding yourself back in the safe bedroom. Your chest rises heavily as you run your hands over your face. It's stiff from the crying which you actually did - not just in the nightmare. 

After you've calmed down a bit, you check the clock. It's around forty-five minutes since you last looked at it which means it must be an hour or so since you went to bed. You think about trying to sleep again, but your throat is dry like sandpaper so you rethink and decide to get some water first. 

You open the door quietly and see the lights turned off in the hall so what catches your attention, is a light coming from the left - which you know is Tom's bedroom. His door is on ajar which catches your attention. For the first seconds, you wonder if you shall check or just leave him. However, being curious, you forget about the water and slowly peek your head in the opening. 

On the bed, Tom is sitting up, shirtless, with an open book in his hands. His eyes are focused on the pages so he doesn't notice you in the opening. Just seeing him so relaxed makes you a whole lot calmer so you find yourself leaning against the wall with a smile. 

"Can't sleep?" 

His sudden voice startles you a bit and you realize he's now looking questionable, but also worried, at you. Looking down, you shake your head while letting out a bumpy chuckle mixed with a "no." 

Tom closes his book which he lays on his nightstand and pats on the empty space beside him. "Come here." He speaks softly and is patient as you walk around the bed to sit down next to him. When you do, he sees the upset look on your face, that you've been crying. "Hey, it's okay." He gently lays his arm around you as comfort and let you rest your head on his shoulder. "Let me guess... nightmare?" You sniff and whisper a weak "yeah". 

"I know it's been tough, but no one is gonna lay a hand on you in such a way again. Not on my watch. I promise you that." His hand around you pulls you closer, making you feel he's serious and will be protective of you. 

"No one's ever held me like this," you tell him after a short moment. It does take him a bit by surprise but he responds with kissing your temple and helps you adjust so your head glides down to his chest. His body warmth fills you and you close your eyes to listen to his heartbeats. He doesn't comment on it, and he doesn't need to. Just showing the affection he does is enough. "What are you reading?" you ask to talk about something else. 

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