《Chapter 9》

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A/N: This chapter is not edited for grammatical error so don't judge me.


"Loving ourselves comes so easily, forgiveness was like the biggest sin to me." –Rebecca Ferguson, I Hope.

"Problems can be fixed but unrequited love is a tragedy." -Suzanne Harper.


Beeping is all I can hear and my eyelids feel quite heavy. The surface I'm lying on which I'm sure is a bed is very uncomfortable and narrow I'm sure. I can smell bleach too. My head is pounding but bearably so. I try and shift but I feel pain in my arm and my head feels like it's full of rocks.

Then it all comes flooding back, the bathroom, Raphael, the threats, my vision blurring and Richard's eyes.

I try to move but I feel way too heavy and I'm too lazy to try again. I stay put. I hear a door open and close with a soft click. At the sound there's footsteps and movement next to me. I know because of the shift of the air.

"How is she?" A male voice asks.

"She's had a concussion and after we examined her it seems she had been slammed against a hard surface and she had been choked also. However, she's doing pretty fine, her vitals are all good." A soft but aged female voice says.

I'm in a bloody damn hospital. The bastard made me have to get to a hospital.

"When will she wake up?" The male voice, smooth like whipped cream and dark like black coffee asks. It's Richard. Obviously the physical issues are not news to him, he doesn't sound like he's shocked or anything.

"When she's ready." The aged soft voice tells him. I'm assuming she's my doctor.

"Any idea when that will be?" He asks.

How long have I been here?

"Honestly, it's up to her and how she's actually feeling. I'll be on my way now I have to finish my rounds." The woman tells him sounding encouraging.

"Thank you Doc." He says politely. The door opens and closes.

I feel a warm hand take my heavy hand softly. I can feel him sit down in the chair I'm sure is by my bed. "God Eva what the hell happened to you?" Richard whispers to me, he sounds worried and sad.

Raphael happened.

"I don't know if you can hear me but I'm here for you and I'm not leaving. Freya was here earlier but she had to get to work. Hell, even Marcus and Jerome stopped by." He sounds a little humorous but I can still hear the worry in his tone.

Jerome the douche bag and Marcus the clingy one. What the hell did they want?

I drift off into a slumber listening to Richard hum a song.

I regain awareness after a while and I'm not even sure how long I've been asleep. No idea how long I've been in a fucking hospital curtesy of Raphael.

He's going to regret this one way or the other he will regret putting me in a bloody hospital.

I can hear breathing and I can feel the extra weight on my bed. There's a warm hand in mine also.

I do feel well rested now but my eyelids are still a little heavy and I still want to rest a little bit. I drift off again, the soft breathing and beeping as my lullaby.

"It would be so nice if you could open those pretty eyes of yours. I'd brush your hair if that meant you waking up but you still look beautiful regardless." Richard says. I feel a warm hand brush what I'm assuming is a stray strand of hair back and tucking it behind my ear. "You're pretty amazing and I hope karma gets whomever hurt you before I do. I just don't get it. You were doing well all day and then you drop and apparently you were strangled?" He sounds baffled.

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