《Chapter 18》

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A/N: This chapter is not edited for grammatical errors please do not judge me. Also dont forget to vote and check out the prologue of House of Greyer and vote for it if you'd like to read the story so I can focus on it as well.

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them."- Carrie Bradshaw


It has been a week since then incident over at Alley's parents' house and I still feel nothing. I feel no guilt. She asked for it, and even though it was not my story to tell, I had to tell it because nobody would have. I know that it sucks be part of a puzzle you do not even know about.

For some weird reason I can't shake having Richard cross my mind whenever I find myself idling about. It is so difficult for me to get over how mysterious he is, I have no idea who he is but somehow I feel like I know him.

I have a boyfriend. I have Declan and I love him, the way he is, the way we are together, even the sex is good but I do not want good I want great. I keep telling myself he is holding back. I am currently on my way to his house. I have been putting off actually entering his house because I do not really feel like its right for me to do so. Today however, I feel like I should just get this show on the road. It feels like a show, I feel like we rushed this romance but I love it, my heart seems to linger elsewhere though and that is no good sign.

I have been driving for the past twenty minutes and I am now in his apartment building driveway. The place is pretty just not really my style its too homey...

Anyway, I did not come here to judge anybody I am trying so hard to be good so I will say nothing.

Ugh...the stone son this stone path are so brightly coloured, what is this a playground?

Apartment 229...where are you...?


Ah! Here we are. I'm not ringing the doorbell or anything...I have a 'In case you change your mind and want to come by' key.

I push the key into the keyhole and try to turn it but I fail because the place is already unlocked. I step in and I am welcomed by a very modern spacious apartment, the main colours are maroon, grey and deep purples...I never pegged him as a purple lover but hey...

"Babe?" I call out as I shut the front door. I walk further into the apartment and head into what I am assuming is the living room. The living room is very masculine and empty. I walk around and as I step further into the hallway I can feel a faint vibration through the floor. I follow it and its even stronger where I stop at a maroon coloured door that is shaking. Its music. I can hear the voices of male humans coming from the other side.

I take a deep breath, make a quick prayer and open the door. What I see is not what I expected.

Declan and four other guys occupy this room Declan and one unknown guy are bent over a coffee table covered in white dust.

For the love of all things sacred, is he doing drugs?

"Babe?" I say, getting his attention.

His head snaps up and he grins. "Baby! So nice to see you, I didn't know you'd be here what's up?" Declan says in a chipper tone.

I'm so nauseated by this sight.

"Are those drugs?" I ask him as I step closer to where he and thing 1 are sitting.

He smiles a lazy smile at me. "Are what drugs?" He slurs.

"The stuff you're sniffing, is it drugs?" I ask him, losing my patience.

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