《Chapter 11》

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A/N: This chapter is not edited for grammatical error so please do not judge me.

Dedicated to @crysanthima for being an ever faithful reader, I hope this chapter is up to your expectations! <3


"Its smart to be friend's with one's sex partner but dumb to have sex with one's friends" - Letty Cottin Pogrebin


I wake up to the feeling of sunlight kissing my skin. I feel a cold breeze pass over my body I don't know why I'm cold I'm fully dressed.

At least I thought I was. I look down at myself and I'm cover barely by my thin bed sheet. I roll over to the side and find my bed empty. My room is quite a mess.

I cant help but smile at what went on in here but I also feel bad about it. I don't regret it though. Why would I? I look at my sheets and there's a faint but visible mark there the wet spot that appears after some bomb ass sexual activities.

I hear footsteps in the little hallway and my door opens. In walks a shirtless Xander with a glass of apple juice and sandwiches on a small tray.

"Hey." I greet him with a small smile.

Xander returns the smile."Hey, I made you breakfast." He says and sets the food on my bed before me.

"Thanks." I say eyeing the three sandwiches and large glass of apple juice.

"No need to thank me."

I laugh. "I guess not, you did fuck me senseless last night." I take a sip of my juice.

All that sexual tension was out the window for me.

"Yeah I guess, about last night..." His voice trails off. I set my sandwich down and look at him.

"I'm thinking this is the part where you apologise and tell me to forget and move on because it was a mistake. I know and I understand." I should expect nothing more and nothing less. I'm sure he sees it that way.

"That's not it." He says.

"It isn't?" I ask him shocked.

"No." Xander tells me.

"Then what is it?" I'm dead curious right now.

"I was hoping we could do that again." He says casually.

"Why? You have Chloe and I have...I have nobody but you have her." I cant sit here and keep pretending that it doesn't bother me how he chose her over me and even if he said he still loved me and that he regretted it, he also said he loved her too. I know I didn't take my time getting over him because we were never that serious. Nobody can deny that being cheated on fucks with you in more ways than one.

Was I not good enough for him? Was I not enough for him? Of course I wasn't. I loved him as much as I could at 17 all the way through to 19.

"I know but I just seem to lose myself in you and I want us back." He looks at me hopefully.

"You and I both know that isn't possible."

"Why not?" He asks me confused.

"CHLOE IS FUCKING PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD." I don't mean to yell but this is just so weird and frustrating.

"I know." He says.

"I don't want to be used Xander. I'm better than that." I inform him. Even if he and I fucking does get me somehow even with Chloe because well petty competition but I'm beginning to regret it slightly because that means I'm no better than Chloe.

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