《Chapter 10》

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A/N: This chapter is not edited for grammatical error so don't judge. Towards the end you might want to have an internet connection to view the image. It helps a whole lot.

"Sex without love is a meaningless experience but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good "-Woody Allen

"Sex with love is the greatest thing in life but sex without love -- that's not so bad either." - Mae West



I've been out of hospital for the past week just resting up and plotting my revenge on Raphael. Richard has been checking up on me since I told him to go home three days after my discharge. He was really beginning to suffocate me. I do have responsibilities and a job so I'm definitely fucked. I'm no idiot though and so I'm going to go and show up for my lazy person friendly job.

Once I walk in its basically quieter than usual.


Everybody is just minding their business silently.

I walk up to the desk where Katie is always found and she's just as bubbly as ever but also quiet.

I just stand there and wait for her to notice me but she's so into whatever it is she's typing that she doesn't. I clear my throat and she jumps as if she just got shot."Oh,Eva you scared me." she says slightly hyperventilating and with a hand over her heart.

"Sorry." I say monotonously.

"How are you?" She asks, genuinely.

"I'm okay, I just thought I'd show up." I tell her. I really am sick of being at home I felt trapped even though I did love the endless hours of sleep.

She smiles at me."We've missed you. Mrs and Mr S were beginning to consider getting you a replacement for the while you weren't in." Katie tells me.

"Did they?" I cant even get a while off to be in hospital and then rest up a little?! I could be jobless.

"No, they never did." She shakes her head.

I let out a sigh of relief."How's stuff going here?" I'm actually interested now, considering how Robert's back and still married to my dear boss.

"There's a new code of conduct." She says.

"Code of conduct?" I echo. I know we've had a code of conduct here but a new one?

She shrugs."Yeah, we aren't supposed to make any noise here and that means engaging in idle chitchat." Katie smiles wistfully.

"And who came up with this?" I'm actually annoyed by this. As much as I hate to talk and have people talk to me I cant shut up.

"I did." A deep male voice says from behind me. I turn around to face Mr Smith.

"Good morning sir." Katie greets him and I just smile.

"Good morning to you too." He says to her absentmindedly. He then turns to me. "What's going on here, why are you talking about me instead of doing your jobs?" He asks.

"I just came in. Katie was just filling me in on the rather-unique new way of life here." I say. I use the word unique in the place of bullshit. I'd hate to be rude so early on in the conversation.

"That's my Katie always a helper." He says and sends a smile her way which she returns immediately.

He's silent for a moment and looks at me."Eva right?" He asks.

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