《Chapter 24》

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Natasha for acing her exams I'm so proud of her guys. Enjoy the chapter!

Goal: 5.5K

"The word love has by no means the same sense for both sexes, and this is one cause of the serious misunderstandings that divide them." - Simone De Beauvoir.


Two weeks.

Two whole weeks.

14 days.

336 hours.

20 160 seconds.

Well now it's 337 hours.

It's been that long since I last saw Richard. Since he saw me.

I don't know what's worse, lying to Declan that he's a very emotional client who thinks he and I are in love or me wishing that that were true.

"I just don't know anymore." I sob like I have been the past two weeks, well, when Declan isn't here or isn't looking.

Freya sighs as she struggles to untangle my hair which recently became a bird's nest."Listen, I know you really like him and you wish you weren't with your shit boyfriend and with him instead but look on the bright side, you know he's probably just as affected by you as you are by him." she says. I know it should make me feel better but it makes me feel worse.

"How am I supposed to fix this,Freya?"

Is this what it feels like to suffer?

I feel helpless.

"Don't expect him to let it go so soon. He might but just don't bank on it. Maybe you need to be alone. Maybe it's a sign that you need to be emotionally invested in yourself and not other people." She muses. It's good advice but I want him.

"I don't need that. I know who I want and I know who I need." I say.

He has ocean blue eyes.

"Maybe you should try and get him alone, talk to him and see how it goes." Freya says smiling at me sympathetically.

"He won't even pick up my calls let alone answer my texts. He's done Freya. I messed up." I say in defeat.

I just want to be happy. I want to be happy with him but I keep making all the wrong decisions.

She sighs."Really, I can't tell you what to expect but put all the wonderful things he makes you feel into it and maybe he'll understand and I know that this is such cliché, sappy and generic advice." Freya says.

Cliché but relevant advice.

"At least you have some." I laugh lightly.

My door swings open and I don't even bother looking to see who it is until I hear an all too familiar voice.

"Baby, there you are! It's been too long, how are you? Why are you crying, amour?" Efren says but the cheer leaves his voice once he sees the unending tears running down my cheeks and the plethora of used Kleenex.

"Efren, I messed up." I choke out. The lump in my throat is becoming so big and painful and all too unbearable.

"Declan?" He asks with a look of suspicion.

Declan, he's not even important. He's for body pleasure but I need someone, I need the one who soothes my soul.

"Oh dear heaven no! Someone else." I say in almost pure disgust.

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