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"I like misha." I whisper to Jared. Jared of course. Breaks out laughing.. Right in front of me. "What?"
"I know."
"What? How?"
"You constantly smile when he texts you. You light up when he walks in. Its obvious. Well... Maybe not because I'm the only one who sees it."
"You talk to people about it?"
"No.. Nobody likes talking about it."
"Well.. Jared.. What am I suppose to do?"
"Tell him? This what I would do."
"I wish he was a she." I sigh.
"Hey why don't you grab your keys and go home and think about it?"
"Ok.. Yeah.. I don't know." I leave the bar and drive home. Not smart. Don't do that.
I walk into work the next day ready to confess to misha. He's cute and I want to date him and.... No homo? God I should've made a note. "You look tired." Misha grins walking next to me.
"Yeah I went home and had a bottle of jack..  It was half a bottle but still and then I went to bed... And them woke back up at 4am. So hey how did you sleep?" I joke.
"Great. I got a new puppy and she likes to lay down by my feet." I smile thinking of misha and a puooy curled up together sleeping.
"Yeah? What's her name?"
"I haven't named her yet. She's just puppy for now."
"You should name her puppy." I grin opening my trailer door. He looks away and smiles and then steps in.
"So why were you drinking last night?"
"Bored... Nothing to watch." I lie thru my teeth. My door opens and in walks Jared.
"Hey." I hand them each a water.
"So one of gens friends seem really interested in you, mish." Jared says. I shoot him a glare.
"Yeah her name is Vicki."
"Oh. Cool."
"I got her number if you want it?"
"Uhm.. Yeah sure.. Why not."
"Tonight we're having dinner if you wanna come?"
"Yeah and jensen daneel will be there." Ok I had a crush on daneel but that was before I knew Misha.
"Yeah. Sure."
"Ok well I will see the two of you tonight?" Jared starts walking out.
"Oh hey what time?" I ask
"Okay... Yeah I'll be there." Misha smiles.
"Hey can I talk to you out side?" I follow jared outside. "What the hell was that?!" I shout.
"I told you I like him and you set him up with some girl?!"
"Hey it'll be fine! Just calm down jensen!"
"Its annoying jared! I  like him!"
"Ok ok I'm sorry just come over tonight."
"I hate you for this but fine." I go back in to my trailer and sit down.
"You ok?"
"I just didn't want to do this tonight."
"I feel the same. But hey I'll be there." He nudges my arm.
"How about we ditch tonight? I mean we go but then we leave?" Misha smiles. "Who knows daneel and Vicki could be gay for each other and we're doing them a favor."
"Yeah ok." I laugh. "Let's ditch tonight."
"6:30 meet me in my car then." Misha stands up.
"Catch ya tonight Collins." I wink.

This is short sorry.
But I finished kisses so I decided to just start writing without a plot and bam here I am. Idk what to call this so for now its jensen & misha.

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