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"Wow why are you looking so manly today?" I laugh as misha buttons up one of his flannels.
"Its my home town. I got bullied, made out with a few people, lost my virginity. If anybody sees me I want them to know I'm doing great."
"You should wear this under it." I toss him his fandom acts T. He grabs it and looks at it.
"Who am I trying to be, jens? I don't rub it in peoples face I'm rich and dating a hot guy. I help them."
"I will do the rubbing you do the helping." I get dressed myself.
"Good morning boys."
"Good morning mama. We're gonna go out for breakfast so I can show jensen around."
"Bye I love you." We walk out the door and down the drive way to his parents car. "Ok I was thinking this little café its really good." Misha drive down the road.
"Misha is that you?!" A pretty brunette jumps off her chair behind the counter.
"Hey Vivian." Misha grins and hugs her.
"I haven't seen you since highschool, what're you up to know?"
"Well I moved to l.a and got a job as an actor. Right now I'm in a show as an angel. This is my co-star and... fiancé." I grin and shake her hand.
"I forgot you were into dudes."
"Yeah." He looks away. I pull him into my chest.
"Well I'm sure glad he is." I say
"Can I hear the story?!"
"What story?" Misha asks.
"Of how you proposed!"
"Oh-" misha starts.
"I proposed actually. I couldn't let him get away." I slide into a booth waiting for them to join me. "It was a few months ago. I got up early to go get the rings but they didn't have them done- which explains the no ring situation. But so I go out to the beach and I put rose petals leading to 'will you marry me?' Written out in the sand and I think no this is horrible I need rings so I run back to my car and I look back because I hear voices and this other couple just got engaged because of me. At this point in like no no I can't propose. I've got no rings my first plan is wrong. So I go home and walk in and see him in the kitchen in his boxers and my t-shirt with messed up hair making pancakes and dancing to move music and I knew right there I wanted to marry the hell out of him. So I just dropped to one knee and said-"
"Misha Collins... Will you marry me and make me the happiest man on earth." Misha grins.
"True story." I nod and grab Misha's hand.
"I gotta go boss needs me." She slides out and goes behind a wall.
"You thought of that? Just now?"
"I sure and the heck did." I sure and the heck didn't. That is a true story besides the actual proposal.
"I love you." Misha kisses my hand.

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