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"Damnit misha I quit!" I shout annoyed.
"I told you I was better!" He puts his cards down.
"Fuck you." I point at him. "And fuck you stupid game. And fuck your cards." I go upstairs. I look at the clock and see its midnight. I take my pants off and shirt and lay in bed angrily.
"You're really mad?" Misha asks in the doorway.
"I don't like losing."
"I can tell." Misha unbuttons his pants and then pulls them off. "You're not actually mad at me are you?"
"No.. You can sleep in bed with me and not on the couch."
"Well.. This is my bed."
"Let's go to bed baby." I pull him closer and close my eyes.
"Dinner tonight at 5." I point at misha.
"I'm bringing you on a date. And not an awakrd first date or a sexy date. Or a date inside. Its going to be you, me, dinner."
"You seem upset?" Misha closes his computer and sets it on the coffee table.
"I like you so much mish but so far our dates have been 1) first awkward date where I made a joke about my salad. 2) dinner inside which was really nice by the way but I want one out in public and 3) the ooo what looks good but is also sexy enough to seduce mish? I want a date in public where we eat and then go on a walk or stay at the resteraunt talking for hours."
"Ok a real date. I think I can do that. How about tonight we are just jensen and misha. No famous actors or anything. We're just two guys going on our fourth date." He pulls me into him.
"Thank you." I smile.

5:45pm Tuesday

"Mmm babe this wine is really good?" Misha says as he sips it.
"Ita my favorite. I was gonna get yours but they didn't have it."
"They do now." Misha says. "Hey Jens." I look at him with a grin. "To us." He holds his glass up a little.
"To us." We clink them together.


"I think you're great." I slur. "You know what?! You're so great I'm gonna sing you a song!"

"They should put a sign up that says no singing." I say as we walk out of the place.
"They should."

10:15 pm.
"Baby can er get milk shakes?"
"I guess." Mish chuckles.

"Stop." Misha swats my hand away again.
"But you're so hot." I wine.
"I'm not taking advantage if .y drunk boyfriend."

"Man I'm so tired." I stumble into mishas house.
"Up there stairs."

"Jens, you ok?" Misha looks over at me as I puke again.
"Why did I get drunk?" I groan.

Misha kisses my cheek then tucks me in.

"Good morning " misha grins as I wake up.
"Mmm no." I pull the covers over my face.
"Here." He hands me a cup of coffee and a bottle of water with a sack of McDonald's pancakes.
"Your to nice to me... You should like kick me out or yell at me because I ruined our date."
"You were actually pretty amusing."
"What did I do?"
"Well.. For starters you got in front of the whole restaurant and sang to me." "Oh no I'm sorry."
"It was pretty great." Misha smiles and them stops.
"Oh no... I did something to upset you."
"I don't know.. You were drunk and didn't know what you were saying."
"Baby you don't believe that." He always says 'a drunk person words are the sober persons thought.'
"Well... Before you sang to me.." He sighs looking at me. "You uh you said I was your boyfriend and that you... Love me."
"I got video if you wanna see?" He hands me his phone.

"This song is dedicated to my boyfriend. Which is misha this guy right here. He's great and I love him."

"Well... I do love you.. I wanted to tell you in a more romantic way." I play with my thumbs.
"I love you... Jensen." Misha leans down to kiss me buy I jump up and rub to the bathroom to have this worse hangover over.

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