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Its been a week since I left l.a.. Its sorta weird sleeping alone after sleeping with somebody for two months. I miss him.. A lot. I grab a banana and then the doorbell rings. I told jared to come over and we can go to breakfast he usually isn't on time. I open the door. "Hey " jared and gen grin.
"Wanna go?" I ask bending down to Tie my shoes. Another pair of feet step in front of me and this time I know exactly who it is. I look up to the body and meet face to face with my boyfriend. "Misha."
"God jensen get him!" Jared pushes misha into me.
"I'm so sorry I left." I whisper looking into his eyes.
"I'm so sorry I got so mad."
"No don't be sorry." I look down. Misha takes a step over and wraps his arms around my waist.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"So um... How long are you staying?"
"I have no idea." Misha says as we get changed.
"Well.. Mish..you can stay.." I sit down on the bed and watch as he digs through his suitcase. "Forever."
"What?" Misha straightens up.
"I mean like... Stay and leave only when you want to. You can still keep your home in l.a but I don't know I like you and it sucked not being around you." Misha walks over and grabs my hands.
"I would love for is to move forward... But maybe we should talk about-" my heart sinks he doesn't want to move in with me.. "What house we would live in." Misha grins. "I mean I like my place and your place seems nice so far but how am I going to like Texas?"
"I don't even care where we live as long as I get to hold you every fucking night." I pull misha closer by the hips.
"Deal." Misha pushes me back so I'm laying down. "I love you." Misha smiles.
"I love you too." I smile. "I can't believe you're here!" I push my hips up and then switch us around so he's on bottom down.
"I know! I love it here." He reaches up and cups my cheeks. "God what is your bed made of?!" He melts letting go of me.
"Angel feathers." I roll off him and onto my back.
"I know we can buy 1 million of these beds and build a house of them.
"I knew I loved you for a reason." I grin looking at him.
"Ok the lights gotta go off so we can sleep."
"No we can stay like this forever." I link our hands together.
"You are so in love with me." Misha grins.
"I am."
"Good." He rolls into my side. "Leave me again I will murder Jared and me right in front of your eyes."
"You seem very angry." I mutter. Misha tenses up a bit. "I promise we can talk this one out.. What's wrong?"
"You left jensen.. You didn't talk to me about leaving or anything you just came home and left.."
"I know and now I wish I would've talked it through with you.. I'm so sorry."
"I was a mess..."
"But we've got each other now."
"I know but it still hurts that you could so easily walk away from me."
"It was hard misha.. I turned back like 20 times. I was the very last one on the plane and even then I kept just looking at pictures of you, of us thinking when I land I'm going straight back."
"But you didn't come back.."
"I tried.."
"No you didn't.." I get up and open my closet and pull out my back pack.
"I was going to come back mish."
"Plane ticket?"
"I was going to order it when I got there. Baby I was ready." I pull him up so he's sitting and I kneel down. "I love you misha. You're the best thing to ever happen to me and my worse mistake was leaving you. I'm so sorry." I look deep into his eyes. He leans forward and kisses me.

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