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I don't see Misha's car yet but I'll just go in anyway. I ring the doorbell and then head lights flash around and then turn off. I turn around and see misha getting out of his car. "Hey there." He grins.
"Hey I thought maybe you ditched me." I smile. Misha nods and then rings the doorbell. "You ok?"
"Yeah I just got in a little fight with my brother."
"Oh. you ok?"
"You've already asked that." Misha chuckles.
"I meant like.. Are you okay from the fight?"
"Yeah. It wasn't big its just annoying."
"Yeah?" The door opens and gen is standing there with wide eyes.
"Help me." She whispers. We walk in after looming at eachother uncertain if we want to go in.
"Hot hot hot. What I would pay to watch you two of you guys fuck." One of the girls who isn't daneel and isn't Vicki says with a wink. "Wouldn't you dan? Seeing them grind against each other while Misha's hot breath trails down Jensen's neck-" I sit down quickly and grab a pillow.
"Misha would defiantly be a top!" Daneel squeels. Okiii weirdest date I've been on. Misha sits next to me whispers something about 10 minutes out side.
"God that'd be so hot as they would just fuck."
"Ok Lenna stop." Jared rolls his eyes. He winks at me and then sits down.
"Oh cmon they're both attractive and single." "Lenna" pouts. I notice misha started talking to Vicki.
"I think I left something in my car." I stand up. Misha grins and then mouths something about a few minutes. I walk out and lean against his car. I think.. If tonight goes well I'll tell misha that I like him. So who knows how tonight will go. I'll either confess my undying love for him and we make out or he hates me. So. Cool. I wait... And wait... And wait... 35 minutes later I stand up after sliding to the ground and start walking inside.
"So looks like me and Vicki will be shaking up." Mish grins walking out.
"Cool." I nod walking past him.
"Hey where ya going?"
"I'm gonna go inside and eat and mmm I might be out here in a few minutes...or hours. Who knows."
"What's wrong, Jens?"
"I waited 35 minutes misha!"
"I'm sorry you didn't want them getting suspicious?"
"Ok yeah but 35 minutes and no jensen. Do you think anybody could come out and make sure oh I don't know I wasnt getting fuckin murdered out here?"
"Jensen-" misha reaches his hand out.
"No! Fuck this misha!" I start going to my car but misha stops me.
"Hey what's wrong? This isn't you."
"Wanna know what's wrong?!" I shout. "I like you! I like you misha and you don't even care!"
"Hey I didn't know you liked me jensen!" He shouts back finally.
"Yeah I bet you didn't you were to busy setting plans up on when to go out." I roll my eyes.
"Are you mad at me now for not knowing you liked me?" Misha puts his hand on his hip.
"Yes! I like you so much and do you think that you could give out any hint right now?!" Misha grabs my face and kisses me. Oh my god. His lips are so nice. I melt into the kiss before we pull apart.
"Good enough you jerk?!" He shouts.
"God will you shut up!?" I push him to his car and grab his face again.

Can't Help Falling Inlove.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz