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"Soo." I look at west across from me. Misha has gone to pay the bill leaving me and west alone. "Do you like sports?"
"I like soccer."
"Oh that's cool are you in it?"
"I play it if that's what you mean?"
"Yes. Cool I was a cheerleader in highschool."
"Is that why you're gay?"
"No." I lean back. "I'm bi not gay and cheer leading isn't gay.. Nothing really is gay."
"Well isn't being gay gay?"
"Well... Yeah..." Misha please save me. I like kids, I want kids sometime but this kid is 8 and knows nothing about me. Just that I'm dating his dad.
"Ok ready to go west?" Misha walks over putting his card back.
"Wait jensen is your boyfriend?"
"Yeah." Misha slides into the booth.
"And you're my dad so does that make him my step dad?"
"I suppose, yeah."
"Cool! I have three dads!" Misha grins and looks at me. "Wait what can I call you guys?"
"Anything. Dad, step dad, dad #1, dad #2, dad #3, misha, jensen." Misha shrugs.
"How about Mr. Dad and Mrs. Dad."
"I can work with that but I'm Mr. Dad." I say.
"Cool." We walk out to the car and drive to his house.
"Tell everybody hi." Misha says as west gets out.
"Oh Mrs. Dad." West stops.
"I really like you." He runs off.
"Oh no mish I'm getting kicked out."
"Pfft you're way cuter." Misha pulls his phone out and starts doing something on it as I drive home. I've never been this happy before. That's so cliché and is in every romance novel but its true. I have money, I love what I do, I love who I'm with, I love my house or our house. And despite misha having an 8 year old isn't that bad. West is nice and funny and makes misha happy and when misha is happy I'm happy. My life finally feels perfect...
"I'm going to KILL YOU!" misha shouts.
"What?" I look at him wide eyed.
"You freaking used all of my expensive shampoo!"
"Oh..I'm sorry." I hide behind my sand which.
"Jensen!" Misha shouts walking over to me.
"I'm sorry." I pout my lip out. I fall back all the way and give him my best puppy dog eyes.
"You annoy me." He pouts.
"Fine.. I'll just go back to Texas." I bat my eyes at him.
"Then whose gonna use my shampoo?" He falls next to me.
"I love you." I sit up and get close to his face ready to kiss him.
"I love you too." He pouts and pushes a quick kiss it my lips.
"Why do you use such expensive shampoo?"
"Well I figured as much as I try to help the world become a better place I thought I could just buy something for me.. You know. Its 110$ but its all natural and vegan and makes me feel good and smells good."
"Good you deserve it."
"But you used it all and now I gotta go buy more."
"I'm sorry its just.. It smells SO GOOD."
"I know right!"
"Ok how about this. You buy the shampoo I'll buy the body soap to it?"
"This is why I keep you around."
"You sure its not because my good looks?" I wink.
"Shut up you jerk I'm still mad at you." Misha pushes me.
"You love me come here." I wrap my arm around him and kiss the side of his head. "Sorry for using your shampoo I'll buy you another one and another one and another one."
"I want that written out." Misha says metling into my hold. I push my lips to his head again and humm a very happy sound.

Ok so I'm gonna end this soon but should I do part 2 or another story?????? Idk help

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