Chapter 22. Betrayal against the 'Queen'

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This is completely just my ideas jotted down as a chapter.
Your PoV
I had tiredly awoke in Ciel's manor, Dio was standing beside me, not really caring about what the day held until.. "(Y/n), come on, we're gonna fulfill that mission of yours! The Queen who took us in, is not the Queen who gave us over to Maria and Aya, the fake is actually holding the real Queen captive. Think about it, in order to make orders, the imposter can just hold up a weapon to the queen's head, dress like the queen, give orders, and if the guards tell or disobey... The Queen dies. We are free to attack the fake!" He exclaimed, I smile at how happy he is. After our silent breakfast, me and Dio are strategizing how to assassinate the fake. Max, Ciel, and Shizuko aren't strategizing with us, Shizuko didn't wake up from the blood loss yet. I was walking around the manor, thinking of plans, until a bell signaling a live city's announcement was beginning, we all headed to where the ringing of the bells, were coming from. We saw a shadow, that didn't look like the Queen at all, but the guards and townspeople were oblivious, since they hadn't seen the Queen's face or thoroughly observed her actions. "The Jewels...and Guard Dog, shall bow beneath my feet, and shall be executed. They have not been doing their jobs as detectives, they are having high school love issues, and I vow that I personally shall end them." The Queen says with no mercy, and the crowds are silent. How does she know? A few claps ring through them, but mainly they are silent, everyone returns to their homes, we hide under the rain, and have no option but to hide underground. The basements are replicas of the floors on the surface, just below. I couldn't help but wonder why Ciel wouldn't send Sebastian to just kill the Queen, everybody looked in my direction as I was off thinking for an answer to my question. "Ne, (Y/n) what are you thinking about?" Shizuko asks from the staircase, her face is a smirk from ear to ear, behind Ciel. I shake my head with a scarlet blush, "Not like that! I was thinking that if Ciel has Sebastian, can't he just send Sebastian the demon to kill the 'Queen'?" I ask, quoting 'Queen'. "Queen?" Everyone asks in unison, "Dio, you tell them." I say, hating all the stares. "Alright, the queen running over us now, took the actual queen that took us in, captive. She is disguised as the Queen, but she is not truly. We are free to attack this imposter." He says, "I did notice changes about the queen's behavior." "And her actions." They concluded that it was a bit true, we were silent, "The reason why I'm not asking Sebastian to kill this queen... Is so I can kill her, myself and you all or not." Ciel speaks up, "I'm up for some fun... If she puts up a fight." Shizuko says, playing with her daggers and guns, even though she had a rapier and a sword already. I still had those knifes that could get their target perfectly, I wouldn't be surprised if there was an attack. Another question, when did the queen get held hostage and how if there were guards? I don't realize the rain increased to thunder and lightning, Shizuko sighs, "I'm very messed up." She mumbles, "Not to us... Especially Ciel." I reply, "Hey! He has a fiancé!" She retorts, "That means you didn't turn him down yet, he can always break off the engagement..." Max says, "Don't go against me big brother!" She says, I sigh, even through times of a ticket to death, we can still have a bit of fun. I begin wondering, are we going to actually make this plan work? Dio flashes me a smile of reassurance, through all the tension I run up to him, and hug him tightly. He covers his face, and hugs me back, "I really do love you." I mumbled, "I love you too." He replied, (AWWWWWWWWWW What about me Dio? Dio: I love you too! Me: Better!) Ciel was going to speak up, if Shizuko hadn't covered his mouth with her hand. "You should've shut him up with your lips, he's probably thinking that." Max says, "ONII-CHAN!" She yells, before hugging him, "I will throw you down the stairs!" She says, "Damn, calm down sis." He says, she nods. I smile, "Weird, we are wanted by a town, but yet we're still smiling and having fun." Dio says, Shizuko pats my head and his head. "Dio, (Y/n), it'll be okay." She says, and we blush. "Seriously, I'm waiting for when you guys get it on-" Shizuko gets cut off, when Dio covers her mouth. "No, please don't." He begs, "Fine!!" She whines before I get pushed by Shizuko into Dio, and we fall to the ground, I'm on top of him. "Get a room!" Max jokes, I blush and stand up, "Sorry Dio." I whispered, "Aww! She's shy!" They giggle, Ciel sighs, before he takes Dio by the arm, me by the wrist, and shoves us to my room, he locks the door from the outside. "Until you finish, this door will remain locked." He said hiding a laugh. I blush, and Dio and I share a few small kiss which get sweeter, the door still doesn't open, we sigh and just fall asleep together. (No dirty minds activate for you!)
Shizuko's PoV (Don't need to read)
I see Max's friend, Yuka knocking on the door, I answer it. "Max! Your girlfriend is here!" I yell, Max comes up to the door, a blushing mess. "You two are dirty minded, I'll let you have your fun." I say, throwing them into Max's room, and walk to my room. I get pulled into Ciel's room, "I want fun too." He whispered, I don't move, as he gets closer to me, I back up until I hit the wall. He smirks, before he whispered, "Elizabeth and I broke off the engagement already..." before kissing me for a quick second. "WAHHHHHHHH! IM INNOCENT!" I whimper, he laughs, "I was joking about all the seductive moves... Maybe, but I really did break the engagement off." He says, and moves back. I pounce on him, "You...!" I say before he shuts me up with a kiss.

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