Chapter 23. Kill or be Killed!

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Your PoV
The door! It's open! It's been about three days since we were locked in here, they told us to 'get it on' or they wouldn't let us out. I guess they gave up on us, there's nothing outside really. Just the hallways sent comfort toward me, Dio was beside me as we looked around for the others. This underground mansion, it actually had no way in from the outside after we came in, there were only ways to get out from the inside and the only way to get in...was by the servants opening one of the ways in or everyone of our little 'team' came to an opening and pressed our hand against it. I had been losing sleep this last few days, I couldn't maintain my joy over the fact that we were going to ambush the Queen as soon as we thought of a completely perfect plan. I began thinking in all types of scenarios that could be issues to us, the guards were no problem, we'd either kill them, or have Sebastian kill them. The inside had no cameras because of the guards roaming around in large numbers, we could easily kill them off or just hide and continue our way up the Queen's castle. If we make it there with no suspicion or issues arousing, we'll be fine. I guess I'd been thinking
too hard about this plan, but then, this is assassinating the 'Queen' we're talking about here. Could this just be a race? Against our little 'team'? Could the imposter know we'd try to kill them, and make a plan for us to split up, and try to take the imposter down ourselves, only to die in the end? So many scenarios, they were racing with probability rates, too much math... Ugh. I grabbed my head, I keep thinking too much of such small things. We reached the dining hall, and saw everyone merely stating at the pretty meal and tea/water. I was a bit annoyed by this, "Why is everyone always so quiet?" I ask, "We're thinking of a plan, you both should too." Max answered beside a girl his age, with shoulder-low black hair, with blue eyes. "I'm Yuka!" She says, "The kitten of the queen..." Max says, "Then... Is it possible that she's out to get us?" I asked,
is she out to get us though? "No, Yuka lives with the Jewels of the Queen, after you left us for that little while, she came." Shizuko responded, staring at nothing in particular, "So when are we going to leave to get the imposter?" I ask, "After breakfast, here's the plan. Dio is a distraction to the guards in front of the castle as well as the ones nearby, (Y/n) kills them, Sebastian disposes of the corpses, then, four of us go in the castle straightforward, two of us take care of the guards who see us, and when we reach the 'Queen', we expose her of being a fake and if need be, kill them. Then, Queen takes over if she's alive, or we take over!" Yuka explains, "Good plan, if any should've kept your demons..." Sebastian mutters, "Sebastian will come get you if any danger right?" Shizuko asks with an authoritative voice, "Y-Yes my lady." He says, nobody even eats, we just stand up and head for the door. The Queen doesn't live far, we leave quickly and here we are at her gates. Dio easily distracts the guards, I have no choice, I kill them with knives in their backs, even though their pitiful eyes and screams ache, Sebastian disposed of their corpses quickly. We catch up with the others, and now we're heading towards the Queen's room, the guards' bodies are easy to exterminate because of the large dumpster just around the corner. I don't see any guards, man this is no fun. (Hi Readers! ROLEPLAY! CONTACT ME ON MY PROFILE....DO IT NOW) We finally see that figure at her desk, staring at the window, when I try to get her, Shizuko already has five knives up to their throat. "I wasn't expecting that..." I mumble, seeing as though it really was the queen that took us in. "No mercy eh? Can I kill her?" Shi asked, "Sure I don't see why not." Dio says, "Go for it sis." Max says, "Blood. Gore. Do it!" Yuka whispers, Shizuko takes our hands, and hands us all a knife, we stare at the Queen with bloodthirsty eyes. We quickly kill her by mulitple cuts and the Queen falls to the floor dead. We clean up, burn the body, (In the oven of episode 1, season 1 reference?) and dispose of the ashes, "My, that wasn't a very fun mission." Shizuko says, "Yeah right, you got to kill the Queen." I say, "No, we all did!" She cheers, "That was the fun part." Max adds, we continue our chat while Sebastian takes us home. He tells us to take showers, and come down to dinner, I think I'll skip on dinne...Just Kidding! Food is food, I ain't skipping food. I quickly took a shower, and changed into a shirt and shorts, Dio does the same along with everybody else, unless they decided to wear long sleeve shirts and skirts/no pants (Just Ciel there lol). Dinner is filled with talks and laughter, killing one person opened them up a bit, I smile a little as I eat, Dio and I converse to each other, ignoring everyone else. "So when is the baby coming?" Yuka asks me with a taunting expression, "What?" I asked, "You were locked in that room for three days...I expect a baby, Dio I expect more from you." Yuka jokes, everyone else laughs with taunting faces while Dio and I avert eye contact, "It didn't happen yet! What about Shizuko and Ciel?" I ask, "Wait! Yet?! Oohh!!" Shizuko jumps, "Us? Uh...No it didn't happen." She quickly responds, "If she wasn't so shy and 'innocent', it would've." Ciel says aloud, everyone chuckles, I smirk at Shizuko as she hides a blush, "No it wouldn't! You said you were joking!" She says, he shrugs, then, the same scenario happened...They locked me and Dio in a room.

No PoV

Max and Yuka got locked in a room by Shizuko, and Ciel locked (Y/n) and Dio in their room. They sighed, "I've had enough dinner." Shizuko mumbles, staring at her plate that she ate nothing off of away, Ciel then locks her in his room again, as a taunt, and this time...He does have 'fun' with her, even though she was 'innocent'... (Y/n) and Dio had 'it' too, as they were getting tired of being teased (NO IT ISN'T ENDING, IM JUST GETTING THE FACT THAT EVERYONE ISN'T INNOCENT OUT THERE), and Max and Yuka, being perverted... They did it yesterday. Then, a newspaper stopped by the manor, revealing a message...


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