Chapter 27. (Y/n) in Wonderland!

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Konichiwa everyone, this story is going far huh? Let's continue our 'adventure'...

Killua: Head to the Roleplay book!


Previously, you are caught up in a game of you vs. an unknown being, your safe... For now....


Your PoV

I had been here for longer than I thought, nobody had really gotten here except me and Max. I was a bit worried for my little cupcake, (DIOOOO!!!) but I began convincing myself he was okay. I had been deprived of sleep for these past few days, the food stopped arriving at our doors, me and Max were a bit hungry, but there was a little bit of snacks in the medical kits that hadn't expired yet. We would take the smallest bits, trying to conserve food and water, we weren't talking much, we would just stare at the walls thinking. I was worried for everyone (But mainly your cupcake) and it was easy to tell that Max was worried about Yuka, but he was more worried about Shizuko. I was worried about my blonde cupcake (😉) as I tried getting in contact with the human behind the speaker. "What?" He snaps groggily, "When are we getting out of here?" I yell, "In about a few days, if you survive all of the games." He says, before the door disappears, a new door in its place. It's a cyan door, this door has an intestine swirling it, getting jammed in the way. I cough a bit, Max and I easily open the door, a lady in a black business suit stands with a clipboard. She grins like a Chesire Cat before the room gets filled with children's toys, there's a small path showing the door at the end. (Its time for some (Y/n) in wonderland!) "I'm not very athletic, but I'm strategic. You must find me, but you cannot step outside the path. Well, it's not like you can..." She says before she vanished and now I look for her, Max and I begin tearing the toys from the wall, all the toys scatter and then we see the walls bare, the lady is still gone, we begin throwing toys, big and small, from dolls to those strong toy dump trucks. The walls get small scratches, now we see a timer with the number ten on it, we begin frantically throwing toys until we hear a shout, "Ouch!" And the lady appears in front of the door, "Next room." She says, and shoves us to the next room. There is a large wooden man in a nut cracker suit, then a few dust clouds later, he suddenly has three look alike/identical friends beside him. He opens his mouth, and so do the others, before holding up an axe, his face remains emotionless, but his eyes are trained on us. I spot a little handle/crank jutting out of the nutcracker's head, I jumped onto his head, thankful that Max got ahold of the axe that almost decided my fate. I grabbed the handle/crank, and began turning it either way, the left made it move slowly, the right made it quicken its pace. I took out a dagger from my jacket and tried cutting through the wooden crank/handle. It wouldn't budge, I quickly slowed the pace of the nutcrackers, each handle/crank was in a different spot then the next, one on the back, one on the shoulder, and one on the nose. It was easier to counter their attacks this way, getting an axe was also easy, I took hold of an axe to cut through the first nutcracker's handle/crank, it was surprisingly easy, but Max on the other hand, he was a bit psychopathic, just like Shizuko, he was chopping off the limbs of the nutcrackers. He began hitting them over and over in the face, the ones I was facing, I shut these two down, he shut the other two down in his violent way. "Quite bloodthirsty, were you expecting them to bleed?" I asked, staring at the dagger I held with two fingers. "Yeah, but seeing them in large chunks is enough for me." Max responds, before the next door is available. The third challenge dealt with our friends and relationships more than fighting...

Im sorry for slow updates, it was my birthday a few days ago, some secrets I had never hoped to hear, etc. So I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

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