Chapter 34. Unconscious!

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Len Kagamine!

Previously, Atsuko, a new girl has taken Dio, and of course, ever since the incident where you were trapped in that 'game' with the phases, it ruined your mind, and it changed you. One outcome is love...


No Perspective

With blank eyes, You ran through the rain, the menacing smile on your face, you were soaking as You ran into the house, there Atsuko was waiting in the rain. "What are you doing?" She asks, You instead throw her down to the ground and throw your hands around her neck, no sense in you, You realized what you were doing, but you could not stop this violent act, this foul animal, you certainly would not let her touch your blonde cupcake. Her nails stopped digging into your hands, her eyes dulled, her face became expressionless, her lifeless body remained on the ground, You smiled at the ground, your eyes wide. "Ufufu, well~ I guess she has to disappear now." You whisper, quietly opening the door to the manor, Atsuko was clearly lock-picking the door, You chuckled while dragging her to the nearest fireplace, surprisingly, everyone was in their rooms instead of the living room, you threw her lifeless almost pitiful corpse into the fireplace, you watched as the skin began melting apart, the bones cracking, the eyes turning to mush, the organs began showing, as the body began crippling, the body turned to ash. You chuckled, before looking down, you were not as soaking as before, You joyfully watched, before you decided, you'd wash the ashes away, in a public bathroom, that way there'd be no way to tell you did anything. You carried the ashes in a small bag under your jacket and walked a long distance to the river on the outskirts of London, there weren't many people around, about maybe three people you'd encounter every half hour, it took two, maybe three, hours to get to the river, and there was moist dirt, you buried the ashes before taking the two-three hours walk back. Your stomach hurt, as you were hungry from the four to six hour walk, the pride she damaged (Black Butler Reference) made you a bit more hungry, you didn't want to walk to any convenient store, or diner right now, You wanted to get home and clean yourself off, all the water that stained you, it didn't feel pleasant. You walked and walked until the manor was in sight, you had no strength to run, your body hurt, you longed for just a little sleep, forgetting about the food and the shower. You continued to tiredly walk, and then tried opening the door, it didn't open this time, How unfortunate... You thought, while looking for any way to get in the manor, You saw only one window open, only Shizuko would leave her window open during the rainy days. You smiled with a relieved sigh, but how would you get up there? You sighed again, today was such a day, You tried climbing, before hitting the ground with a quiet thump, You sighed, you were covered in dirt, water, but it always could get worse you knew, you smiled. You then tried signaling to the navy-blue haired girl that left her window open, Shizuko walked out to balcony, hearing a noise, and looked down to see You, she tilted her head, then nodded. Shizuko sprinted down to the front door, You walked to the front door and it was open, "You look terrible, take a shower, I'll get you some food, alright? Hurry." Shizuko says, shoving you into the bathroom before going to get you food, you didn't care what she got you, as long as it was food, your shower was pleasant, when you saw the towel on the doorknob, you dried yourself off, changed into the clothes Shizuko got you from your room, and then handed you the plate of leftovers from dinner that Sebastian had prepared. You sat down on your bed, "Your a life saver." You tell her, "Thank you, what happened? Dio told Atsuko to leave him alone, so he locked her out the house, Atsuko was gone the next time I checked, did you exterminate her?" Shizuko was right on the money, You nodded, "I disposed of her well though." You chuckle, Shizuko chuckles as well, "Ciel's doing paperwork for the Funtom Candy Company, Dio is in his room, Yuka and Max are out playing that new Pokemon Go game. Max's name isn't Max! It's Kouichi, he never told me though, since it was the adoption name Max they gave to him. My adoption name was 'Akira'. I still live by both names." Shizuko smiles, "Seems a lot has happened." You say, "It isn't very joyful, there's no one to tease, I haven't been conversing with anyone lately." Shizuko mumbles, "Well, let's change that! I kind of want to talk ot Dio..." You suggest, "How?" Shizuko asks, "You try to drag Dio out of his room and into the forest, there, I'll apologize, okay?" You ask, "Alright. I'll add flowers, to the garden okay?" Shizuko asks, you nod and run to the garden, Finnian isn't there, so you don't worry about trouble, you hide behind many flowers. Shizuko knocks on Dio's door, takes his hand, and power walks outside, through the cloudy day, Shizuko then pushes him into the garden, before locking the door from the outside, "Than god Finny owed me." Shizuko whispers, before walking back inside, standing on the balcony, and jumping to the tree branch successfully, there she climbs to the top of the garden, she of course hurts herself but she doesn't care. She opens the panels that let in sun, but instead, throws your favorite flowers to the garden ground, "What's going on?" Dio asks, before you hug him tightly, "I'm sorry." You say, you don't cry but you do feel upset with yourself for neglecting him, he doesn't respond, before Shizuko slowly lets a piece of paper, folded into a heart drift to the ground. Dio picks it up, it's an apology letter, with a small picture of (Y/n/You) and him smiling while hugging, he smiles a bit, "It's okay." He responds, before chuckling, "You are a bit too obvious when committing crime." He says, You blush a bit, "It isn't happily ever after here..." Atsuko's voice hits you, you turn, "How are you here?" You ask, "That was a fake body, pretty expensive, but worth it. I'll end you here and now." She says, taking out a large kitchen knife, Shizuko closes the panels, jumps down, resulting in hurting her legs, before limping over to the door, she unlocks the door before throwing you the knife she always carried around. You smirk at Atsuko before you both charge towards each other, Dio almost disappears before holding Atsuko back, You have a perfect shot at her heart, you run up to her, her arms and hands restricted by Dio, and don't hesitate to get a shot at her heart, but you decide to not murder her, instead you take those few seconds to knock her out. You didn't know why, but there wasn't much surging blood-lust taking you over to tell the truth, she hit the ground with a noise, "Let's chain her." Dio suggests, You nod and handcuff her, but not before joyfully tearing off her fingers, each one, "Shizuko, are you okay?" You ask, she weakly stands up, "Just fine!" Shizuko says, with a smile, before falling to the ground, "I think it's best if you go to the doctor's. Come on, Dio you can take care of the unconscious one right?" You ask, helping Shizuko up, he nods, you take Shizuko to the doctors like you said you would. You were right, she fractured her right leg, taking the jump from the balcony to the tree hurt her leg a little, but reaching the garden's roof was completely different. Shizuko and you returned home, Ciel was still locked away in his room, Dio was boredly waiting for you to get back, Shizuko locked herself away in her room, she felt that she shouldn't be seen as weak. You and Dio had conversations, getting to know each other better, luckily it wasn't like before, when you were first in father's laboratory, he would talk to you, but not before Aya or your father would ruin the conversation...

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