Tremaine Wilson

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"If you wanna forget something or someone, never hate it, never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you wanna forget, you cannot hate" -C. Joybell

Tremaine in mm
Zayden Carter
**Two years ago**
"Hey baby" I greeted him "Hey babe what's the big news you had to tell me" my boyfriend for a year Tremaine said"Umm wait I have some question to ask first" I said. He nodded his head and I continued."well first off, do you think that your ready to have kids" I was walking up the stairs to put up my stuff and change. "Hell no, I can't take all that damn crying and shittin" he said "OK well what would you do if you had a kid" I asked "I wouldn't claim that bastard and would kill the bitch trying to pin a child on me" he was so blunt "Well you have no choice but to step up, or don't be in my child's life because I'm pregnant with your baby" I said as tears streamed down my face. He grew angry. I could see the anger growing in his eyes, I knew he was pissed. I know that he hates crying but these hormones. He punched me in the face and busted my lip. He kicked me in the leg making me fall. I fell and he kicked me in the stomach. I stood up in so much pain and kicked him in the nuts. I kicked him in the stomach too and tried to run. Before I could get to the stairs, he grabbed my foot. I fell down the stairs.
I landed on my stomach. I knew he killed my baby because I felt the warm liquid run down my leg. I knew that it was blood. I felt sharp pains all through my abdomen. I started crying and blacked out.

That was two years ago. I haven't heard from him since then. It's like he disappeared off the face of the earth after that.

I'm glad he did lose it but then I'm not. I think I was gonna lose it even if I didn't fall because he was beating my ass before that. The thing is that wasn't the first time he made me lose a baby.

I wish I could have saw this coming, other wise I would have tried to kill him. Even tho I did try before but failed.

I had just got home from my morning run when I had a package on my door step.

Dear Zayden,
You are mine never forget that. No one will love you like do. If I can't have you no one will.
~Love Tremaine

How did he find me!

Oh shit, trouble in paradise

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~👑Queen Victoria

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