The Truth

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"I will not be disrespected, nigga or bitch" -Kevin Gates

Benzino Carter in mm

"Ma can you give me um Tracy number"

"For what boy"

"Because I want her and Benzino to have a meeting with Zayden. She wants, needs, and deserves the truth"


"Tracy and Benzino, I need you two to talk to Zayden and it has to happen today" I spoke on three way

"No/yes" they said at the same time

"Why not Tracy our daughter deserves the truth, lying bitch" Benz was mad

"Because I said no" Tracy said

"If you don't bring your ass, I will drag your ass by your nappy ass hair out of that fucking house" Benz yelled and hung up

I hung up and walked down stairs.

"Babe what you watching" I sat next to Zay

"Straight outta compton"

She stuffed the popcorn covered in hot sauce in her mouth.

"Scoot over"

She moved over and I sat next to her. She laid her head on my arm. I moved my arm to around her and her head was on my chest. I like this movie.

"Yo you looking fa Felisha" Easy-E said

"Yea, she in there?"

"Yea but she busy with a real nigga dick"


"I said she busy with a dick in her mouth" they came out there with Usi's, Ak's, 9mm's, etc.

Them nigga's came prepared. I chuckled as I heard Zayden's light snores. Its so cute to me the way she sleeps with her lips slightly parted and always has a hand on her stomach. I kissed her nose and she scrunched up her nose and laid her head on my lap and stretched out her legs.

I finished the movie as Zay slept. After the movie was over the door bell went off. I slowly moved her head from my lap careful not to wake her. I looked through the peep hole to see Benzino and Tracy arguing with Brandi just in her phone.

"Shut the fuck up" I said when I opened the door

"You shut up" Tracy said

"Look I already don't like you I will put yo ass out" I said

"Well bye" she tried to leave

"Tracy if you don't come sit yo ass down I will beat it" Benz said threw clenched teeth

She sat with an attitude. She pouted with her arms crossed.

"Brandi can you go wake up Zay on the sofa"

She didn't say anything just left. About five minutes later Zay came back in with Brandi following.

"Sit Zay"

"Why are these ass wholes here" she said

"Because y'all need to talk"

He walked out. I wanted to go slap the shit outta him.

"What is there to talk about" I said with pure hate in my voice

"Well one fix your voice, I'm still you father and two you need to hear the truth" Benzino said

"Well one of y'all get to talking or leave"

"Okay, well it really did start off as a one night stand. I met Tracy at a club and brought her home. She got pregnant that night. She seen me again at the glass station and told me she was. I went to the doctor to find out if she really was and she was. I'm not gone lie when she was pregnant I didn't know if you were mine, so I wasn't really there until you were born-" Tracy cut him off

"No you wasn't there at all"

"Man Tracy our daughter is 23 and you still lying to her" he hit the table with each word

"Look I don't care if she is lying I just want to here your side" I said to Benzino

"Like I was saying. Tracy was a whore, so I didn't know if you were mine. But I knew when I held you at that hospital, that you were mine but I still got a test. I wanted a relationship with your mother but she still wanted anything with a dick. After you were born she started drugs, so I started messing around with this girl named Athena. Tracy was sleeping with randoms so I moved on with Athena. One day I came home, when you were six and she kick me out. She skipped town and I haven't seen you since" he finished

"Well this is my story" I said "after she left you she turned into a big fein"

"I was not a fein" Tracy said

"Yes you were, you did anything for your next fix. Including giving up your daughter"

"I didnt" Tracy said

"Shut up Tracy" Benz said

"Like I was saying she was feigning and after she left, when I was seven I couldn't do anything without her being mad. One day she didn't have money and she had a boyfriend who was providing her crack, she let him in my room and-and he rapped me. I cried for hours for Tracy to help me. But but she didn't" my lip trembled as I tried to keep from breaking down "she was too busy in the next room getting high" I said bitterly

"You let a man touch her" Benz said calmly.

She said nothing.

"DID YOU LET HIM TOUCH HER" he banged on the table causing us both to jump

His dark brown eyes where now black. He looked possessed. Even Brandi looked scared with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, and I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing okay. I didn't want to but he threatened my life, I had to and I was in too deep" she sobbed

"Sorry doesn't fix it" I said "you know, I can't carry a baby because of that day, I had about four miscarriages because of that day. I lost apart of me. Apart that makes me feel like a happy woman, apart that makes me feel complete"

Benz got up and choked her. He held her against the walk as she gasped for dear life. I just watched. Brandi went to get Kevin I guess.

"Benz let her go and calm down" Kevin tried to pry his hands off her throat

I just sat and laughed on the inside. She was turning colors and I really didn't care. I watched as Kevin finally got Benz to let go. She fell to the ground gasping and wheezing.

Love y'all and kevin💖
Follow Me👣

~👑Queen Victoria

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