Mending Each Other

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"You will face your greatest opposition, when your closest to your biggest miracle." -Shannon L. Alder

months later
Zayden Carter

I took a big gulp from my bottle of Henny. I just left the hospital three days ago. The doctor was right once again. I can't carry a baby.

And here I am just drinking in a dark, empty, cold, and broke home with depressing music on. Pain is in my heart. It leaks the blood of my innocent child being gone. My heart aches for love and for my child. I hurt because the one person that would love me is gone, the one person who would treat me like im somebody can't be here. The one person I could allow myself to love.

I sniffed a line as I let a tears fall. I laid back on the sofa as I let the addictive drug take over me. As I let it take my many problems away. I had nothing but myself. I haven't seen Kevin since I had the miscarriage. I didn't care right now.

I drunk from my bottle. I felt the rush of the the addictive substances. I laid back down as they took over my body. I don't know what I was thinking to almost let Kevin in. He helped me at first because I was in a state of depression when I found out that I was pregnant but he helped me get over it.


Someone was knocking at my door. I grunted as I got up. I tripped over one of the many empty alcohol bottles. I fell face first and started laughing. I was drunk and high af. I got up and my nose started bleeding. I managed to unlock the door.

"I-its oooooppppeenned" I slurred

I stumbled up the stairs to stop the bleeding. I made it to the bathroom after I fell on my ass twice. When I got to the bathroom I forgot what I came for.

"Zayden?" He said

"What" I said with so much venom in my voice

"Is it really you"

"No its a fucking ghost" I said and laughed

I looked in the mirror and didn't care. I had dark circles under my eyes, my eyes were red, and my long hair was a mess. I had gotten skinnier but my ass was still the same, fat. I weakly pushed pass Kevin and fell on my way back to the living room.

I held my left nostril as I sniffed the white substance in my right nostril. I sat back on the sofa.

"This is what you doing now" Kevin was in my face

I said nothing as he started ranting about ruining myself.

"I wish you would stop trynna ruin my high, bitch"

"You don't need to do this. If you keep on your gonna end up just like your mother"

"SHUT UP YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME. YOU DONT KNOW MY MOMMA AND YOU DONT KNOW WHAT SHE DID" I was standing up right now. He broke my high. I could hear the voices again, they're here again.

"LOOK AT YOU, YOUR JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER" he shouted and slung my cocaine across the floor when I tried to sniff again

I scratched my right arm as I heard them get louder.

"You should kill him"
"Your a whore"
"Get rid of him"
"It's your fault, you killed the baby"
"He made you lose the babies"
"You'll never be nothing"

They where shouting at me. They got louder and louder as I grabbed my pounding head. I stumbled backward as I started telling them to shut up.

"Shut up cause its nit my fault" I started crying because of the guilt

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