Chapter 7

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Tobin's eyes quickly opened and her head started to pound.

"Owwww," Tobin moaned while trying to sit up.

A girl that was sitting at her side heard Tobin and quickly pressed the button to call the nurse. "Oh thank goodness, you're awake!" the girl said.

Tobin looked at the girl confused. She wasn't confused because she didn't know who the girl was; she was confused because she didn't know where she was, why her head was pounding, and who she was. Before Tobin could say something to the girl, a nurse came rushing in.

"You're awake!" The nurse rejoiced. The nurse checked Tobin and pressed some buttons on the monitor, "My name is Christie by the way, how are you feeling?"

"My head hurts...a lot. Am in the hospital? Why am I here?"

The nurse's smile faded in to a frown, "You were in a car accident, Tobin. You probably don't remember much, but – "

Christie was cut off by Tobin, "Who's Tobin?"

Christie's heart immediately dropped. She held a concerned face, but tried to stay calm. "You're Tobin. Your name is Tobin Powell Heath."

Tobin then realized that she was Tobin. She was the one in the car accident. She was a person that Tobin herself, did not remember. Tobin looked at the girl on the side who gave her a reassuring smile. Before she could ask who she was, Christie started to talk.

"Before I leave, can you tell me what you remember? Anything is helpful, like a family member, your favorite color, the last person you talked to...anything."

Tobin thought hard, but it was too much thinking for her brain. Her head was already pounding and she was frustrated that she did not remember a thing. Tobin shook her head no and Christie held a sympathetic face.

Christie turned to the girl, "Are you related to her or anything? Any special relationship with Tobin?"

"No, I'm just the one who found her on the ground," the girl responded.

"Alright, well, I am going to go through Tobin's records and see if I can contact any of her family members. If anything happens and you need me, just press the button."

The girl nodded and turned to Tobin who was crying.

"Hey, don't cry. You're okay, Tobin," the girl said while squeezing her hand.

"I'm not okay. I don't even know who Tobin is. I don't even know who I am. I want to know that my name is Tobin, I want to know who my parents are, and I want to know my favorite color," Tobin started to cry even more, "Hell, I don't even know how old I am!"

The girl was taken back by Tobin's yell and stayed silent for the next few seconds. She didn't know what to say and how to comfort Tobin because she didn't know who she was. Not knowing what to say, the girl just introduced herself.

"I'm Christen," the girl said while sticking a hand out for Tobin to shake. "Christen Press. And you are Tobin Heath."

Tobin hesitated to shake Christen's hand but did so anyways. "So, you're the one who found me on the ground."

Christen gave a light smile, "Um, yeah. I heard a loud crash from inside my house and when I looked out the window I saw what had happened. I ran out to see if anyone was hurt and I saw you on the ground and -" Christen was cut off by Tobin.

"You screamed. You screamed while looking at me and calling 911, I assume. I remember your face now," Tobin said calmly.

Christen's eyes widened as she nodded her head, "You remember that?"

Before Tobin could say yes, a doctor came in along with Christie. "Hi Tobin, my name is Doctor Jill. Christie told me you don't remember anything, not even who you are, correct?

Christen answered for Tobin, "Um, she doesn't remember who she is, but she does remember hearing me scream and calling 911. She said she remembered my face."

The nurse and doctor both smiled as they looked at each other. "That's great news to hear because that tells us that Tobin does have memory loss, but she will be able to gain it back. Tobin is suffering from a severe case of retrograde amnesia. This means she doesn't remember events prior to the accident. So, in this case, she doesn't' remember anything which makes this a severe case. However, throughout time, Tobin's memories will come back to her like a jigsaw puzzle, piece by piece. It will just take time. And since she remembered your face, I am going to assume that Tobin will slowly start to remember people after seeing their faces."

Tobin had hope that soon enough she will remember everything. "When will I remember who I am?"

"That's for you to find out yourself, but I'd say either today or tomorrow, it will come to you," Doctor Jill responded while leaving the room.

"We called your mom so she should be here soon," Christie said while giving Tobin a reassuring smile.

Christie walked out of the room and Christen turned to see a smiling Tobin.

Christen giggled, "Well, it's nice to see you smiling, Tobin."

Tobin turned to Christen who was also smiling, "It's nice to see you smiling too," Christen blushed and Tobin caught it, but didn't say anything. "Thanks for saving me, by the way. If you hadn't heard the crash, I think I would have been dead."

Christen could feel herself starting to blush and hoped Tobin wouldn't see it. "I'm just glad that you're okay and you have a chance to regain your memory." 

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