Chapter 20

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It has been two weeks since Tobin had decided to let Alex go. Tobin had moved on and always spent the weekends with Christen. She finally admitted to herself that she was in love with Christen. She was finally happy, but Alex was not.

Alex took it the worst and every night she would cry herself to sleep because she was unhappy. She pushed Serv away and Serv was confused to what was happening because Alex would not tell him. In fact, Alex did not talk to anyone at all, even when Syd or Kelley would call, she'd ignore it. Every morning Alex would wake up thirty minutes early so that she would be able to leave before Tobin wakes up. They have not said a word to each other, even though they are roommates. Tobin would always hear Alex cry in her sleep and her heart would break for her, but she knew Alex would not want to talk to her anymore. She greeted Alex one day, but Alex ignored her. Every time Tobin tried starting a conversation, Alex would turn away so she gave up and let Alex be.

School started for the both of them and to Alex's luck, Tobin was in every single class with her. Since they both played on the soccer team, they were entitled to the same schedule. One day, in Bio 1B class, their teacher assigned a lab project that required assigned partners. And luckily, Tobin and Alex were paired up. When the teacher announced the partners, Tobin turned to see Alex's reaction, which was a rolling of her eyes and putting her head on the table.

Tobin and Alex were working on their project in their dorm. Alex wrote down everything she wanted Tobin to do and Tobin just agreed to do it. Tobin hated how Alex would not even look at her.

"You know we're going to have to talk some time soon. I mean, practice starts tomorrow, we need to be able to communicate," Tobin said, breaking the silence.

Alex looked up at Tobin and looked back down, proceeding to do what she was doing before.

Tobin sighed, "Alex, can you stop looking at me like that. You look at me as if you want to kill me."

"How about you just concentrate on finishing this stupid project," Alex responded.

This was the first time Alex had spoken to Tobin and Tobin was shocked.

"At least I got you to talk to me,' Tobin smirked.

Alex rolled her eyes, "Don't get used to it."

Tobin did not understand why Alex was acting like this. "Are you on your period or what?"

Alex ignored Tobin's question.

"I asked you a question," Tobin responded sternly.

No response.

"You know, I'm really sick and tired of you just ignoring me. What did I ever do to you that made you turn into a bitch?"

Now Alex was furious. "You did not just call me a bitch," Alex slammed her laptop shut. "Don't act all innocent, Tobin. You broke my heart and you don't even care!"

Tobin had a confused look on her face. "Broke your heart? What did I do?"

"You made me feel like you loved me again. Then, all of a sudden you decide that you're letting me go? Who the fuck does that?"

"A girl who already has a girlfriend does that," Tobin responded. Alex's eyes grew wide. "Did you not know that you broke my heart too? I thought I was falling for you again, but no, you decided to go and like a boy! I thought you would still have feelings for me, but instead you traded your feelings for me to feelings for Servando. I thought I could finally love you again, but you just played me."

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