Chapter 27

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"So, what happened?" The nurse asked in shock.

Alex and Christen looked at each other.

"Um, just a little rough play, you know, typical soccer," Alex said.

The nurse laughed nervously. "Alrighty then. Um, Alex come with me, Christen you can sit on the side, another nurse will come and help you."

Christen nodded and walked to the waiting area where Kelley and Tobin were sitting. She took the seat next to Tobin since Kelley was sitting on the end.

Tobin was too busy reading a magazine so she did not notice Christen sitting next to her.

"Tobin, can I talk to you?" Christen whispered to Tobin. Kelley heard Christen's whisper and decided to give them some privacy so she announced that she was going to the bathroom.

"What is there to talk about, Christen?" Tobin asked as she put her magazine down.

"I just wanted to apologize. I didn't know that what I did would affect you so much."

Tobin laughed, "You really thought having sex with one of my good friends, my girlfriend's best friend, while we were still together would not have an affect on me? Wow."

"We were barely even together. I let you go so you could be with Alex."

"I told you I would think about it. I still had feelings for you and I didn't want to say goodbye that fast."

Christen's eyes grew wide. "Look, Tobin, I'm sorry, I really am. I thought that would be the end of us. But to be honest, it really was."

Tobin looked at Christen. Blood was smeared across her face. She felt sorry for her. "You're a good person, Christen. You just have bad intentions."

Christen looked away. She thought Tobin would never forgive her.

"But, you are my girlfriend's best friend's girlfriend so I have a feeling that you're still going to be in my life. I'll forgive you, but I won't forgive what you did. You're still a good friend to have in my life"

Christen understood what Tobin meant and nodded. She was happy that everything was okay between them. She gave her a hug before the nurse called her in to fix her nose.

After a few hours, both Christen and Alex were fixed. Christen had to wear a face mask to hold her nose in place and Alex had to wear a pink cast.

Tobin and Alex drove Christen and Kelley back to Stanford and they said their goodbyes. They all had planned to have a double date soon.

"They're good people to have in your life. They teach you a lot of lessons," Alex said.

"Like how to forgive and forget."

*Time skip – last day of school & the day Tobin leaves for UNC*

"It was nice meeting you, Tobin. You were a great help to the team, being a water girl and all that. We're all going to miss you."

Tobin laughed, "I'm going to miss all of you too."

Tobin waved goodbye to Coach Neil and some of her former teammates. She looked at Berkeley one last time before heading into the car.

"Thanks for all the memories, Berkeley."

Alex called Tobin to hurry up because traffic was going to crazy. Tobin ran over to the car and quickly got in. Finally, they drove off and Tobin was no longer a student at Berkeley.

Alex started to cry and Tobin noticed it. She intertwined their hands together.

"Alex, are you okay?"

"I still can't believe you're not going to be here anymore," Alex was fearing the day they had to say goodbye. She didn't want Tobin leaving her.

"We still have the rest of summer to be together. I'm going to be with you everyday, okay?"


Today was the day Tobin was leaving for UNC. She could not believe how fast time flew. She had spent everyday with Alex and they both made memories they would never forget. Alex slept over Tobin's house and held Tobin close to her while they slept because she knew she would not feel Tobin's touch for a long time. Both cried themselves to sleep, not looking forward to the next day.

Alex helped Tobin pack her things and load it in the car. Tobin said her goodbyes and got into the car. The drive was silent, both not knowing what to say. Finally, they got to the airport and Alex feared this moment. She helped Tobin get her bags and walked her to the check in line.

Then, it was time to say goodbye.

"I don't want to say goodbye, Tobin," Alex said while breaking down.

Tobin was crying too. "Me neither, Alex, but this is what I always wanted."
"I know, I know. You are going to be so great there, I know you will."

"Remember, we both start our own legacies at our own schools, right?" Tobin said as Alex nodded. "Come here."

Tobin embraced Alex and they both let their tears run out.

"Promise you will call me and you won't forget me. We can do this long distance; I know we can."

"Of course, I promise Alex." The announcer announced the flight to North Carolina. "I love you so much, Alex. We got this. I'll see you soon, okay?"

Alex nodded. Tobin gave her one last passionate kiss before walking away. She gave Alex her favorite hoodie that still smelt like her. Alex also gave Tobin one of her shirts. They both were heartbroken, but were also proud that they were following their dreams.

Tobin waved and gave Alex one last look before getting onto the plane.

Hey guys so I got an update in! The next one won't be for a while so I'm pretty happy I got this one in. This chapter may seem a little bit rushed and I apologize, I wanted to get this moment over with so I can start the next chapter with Tobin at UNC.

Also, a reminder that my two next stories have been uploaded! Please read and tell me if you like it or not! Preath fanfic is called "Fly with Me" and Talex fanfic is called "Unforgettable."

Thanks for being such great readers! Remember to keep voting and thanks for reading! (:

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