Chapter 18

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The next morning, Alex woke up and saw that she and Tobin were in the same position as they were when they fell asleep. She smiled at the sight of Tobin peacefully sleeping and started to play with her hair. Tobin woke up and looked at Alex who was smiling at her.

"Good morning, Tobs." Tobin loved hearing Alex's extra raspy morning voice.

"Good morning, I am going back to sleep." Alex giggle whiled Tobin rolled over and covered herself with a blanket.

Alex looked to see what time it was and saw that it was 11:30. Her eyes widened and she panicked, remembering that she had lunch with Serv in 30 minutes. She quickly rolled off the bed, grabbed her clothes, and ran straight to the bathroom to get ready. She put her hair in a quick, messy bun and chose to wear something simple, ripped jeans and a white blouse. She came back to the room to grab her phone, purse, and sunglasses.

Tobin woke up to the noise of Alex running and going through her stuff.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Tobin asked while getting up.

Alex didn't want to tell Tobin that she was going out to lunch with Serv.

"Um, I'm meeting some friends at a café in 15 minutes," Alex lied.

Tobin tilted her head in confusion. She didn't know Alex had other friends who attended Berkeley.

"You have other friends here?"

Alex started to panic so she lied again, "No, I meant I'm getting lunch with Syd and Kelley. We wanted to meet up today."

Tobin nodded and decided to go back to sleep. Alex sighed in relief and ran out of the dorm. She ran as fast as she could to the benches where Serv told her to meet him. Finally, she arrived at the benches to see Serv sitting down, on his phone.

"11:59, just one minute to spare," Serv said with a smile.

"Sorry, I forgot to set my alarm," Alex lied.

Serv laughed, "You're fine, don't worry."

They both walked up to a silver Lexus and Alex was impressed. Serv opened the door for Alex and helped her get in. They drove off in a comfortable silence, but Alex regretted lying to Tobin, again.

Tobin was awoken by the sound of her phone ringing. She reluctantly got up and answered it.

"Hello?" Tobin groaned.

"Good morning to you too, sleepy head." It was Lauren.

"Sorry, I'm really tired. What's up?"

"Did Alex tell you yet?"

"No, I didn't have the time to talk to her. I'll tell her when she gets back from her lunch."

"She went to lunch, without you?" Lauren laughed, "Wait someone wants to say hi," there was a pause and then Tobin heard a familiar voice, "Hi Tobin!!"

"Hi Syd! Wait, Syd? Aren't you supposed to be getting lunch with Alex and Kelley right now?" Tobin was now very confused.

"What? No, if anything, I was hoping Alex would be with you right now, which I am guessing, she isn't. She didn't talk to Kelley or I about lunch."

"She told me she was going to lunch with you guys," Tobin was now growing suspicious.

"Well, I think she lied to you because Kelley and I had no idea about lunch. I got to go, but it was nice talking to you. Tell Alex she better fucking call me because ya girl is mad she lied about taking us to lunch, okay bye!"

Lauren took the phone from Syd and continued her conversation with Tobin. But before she could speak, Tobin spoke first.

"Lauren, she's with Serv, I know it."

"You can't assume-"

Tobin cut her off, "I know it. Why does she think that lying would solve the answer? I'd much rather hear the truth than her stupid lies."

Lauren remembered that Tobin lied to Alex too and she was now sounding like a hypocrite, but she didn't even know.

"Once Alex gets back, you ask her about what happened before the accident. I don't care how much you want to yell at her for lying to you, you tell her what I said, okay?"

Tobin reluctantly agreed and then they both said their goodbyes.

"This place is amazing; how did I not know about this place?" Alex asked.

"Maybe because you didn't have an amazing person to show you this amazing place," Serv responded while smirking.

Alex rolled her eyes. "Tobin actually brought me to way more amazing places than this" she thought to herself.

"So, Alex Morgan, tell me about yourself. Of all colleges, why did you decide to stay home and attend Berkeley?"

Alex told Serv some facts about herself, "... and I decided to stay home because I got a full scholarship to play soccer at Berkeley."

Serv's eyes widened, "No way! I got a full scholarship to play soccer at Berkeley too!"

Alex's eyes widened too, "You play soccer?"

"Does it not look like it? I mean I did gain a few pounds, but I didn't think I gained that much."

"No, Serv, I wasn't calling you fat," Alex laughed, "I was just confirming if you played soccer. You just didn't seem like a soccer type to me."

"Surprise," Serv responded.

After about an hour, Alex got to know Serv a lot better. It was like they clicked instantly and Alex enjoyed it. She was comfortable with Serv and she admitted to herself that she was slowly developing feelings for him.

They returned to Berkeley and both said their goodbyes while Serv kissed Alex's cheek. This caused Alex to blush.

Before departing Serv asked, "Do I have the chance of taking you out to lunch again?"

Alex was quick to respond, "I'd love to."

Alex walked back to her dorm and when she was about to open her door, she heard laughter. She opened the door to see Tobin and Christen playing cards. Her heart immediately dropped and she grew angry, but she tried to hide it with a polite smile. "I thought I liked Serv? Why does my heart grow jealous whenever I see Christen with Tobin? Why does my heart skip a beat whenever I see Tobin?"

Hey guys, I'm so stoked that I got to update today! Anyways, I'm sorry these chapters are kinda boring. I promise they will get more interesting and intense! 

But so far, are you guys liking it? Wanna share any ideas you have? Feel free to do so. (: 

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