Chapter 29

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"Tobin!" Kling shouted as she embraced Tobin, then she saw Alex on Tobin's phone, "Oh my gosh, Alex Morgan, is that you? I have not seen you in so long!"

Alex laughed, "I miss you!"

"I miss you too," Kling and Tobin said in unison.

Kling helped Tobin unpack her things while Alex was still on the phone.

"Wait, so Kelley and Christen did it? Like, they actually did it," Kling asked innocently.

"Yes, Kling, they did it," Tobin responded.

"That's just weird," Kling said while holding up one of Tobin's boxers.

Alex started to laugh through the phone, "The turtle boxers!"

Tobin turned and saw Kling holding up her boxers and Alex laughing. Her face grew red in embarrassment and quickly snatched the boxers out of Kling's hand.

"Can you not go through my underwear and just unpack my other stuff?" Tobin asked.

"Hey, we're roomies now, you are going to see some freaky stuff."

Tobin stared at Kling with wide eyes while Alex kept laughing.

"She's Meghan Klingenberg for goodness sake, Tobin. Of course things are going to get weird with her," Alex responded while still laughing. "I'm just happy you are roommates with Kling, at least I know nothing will happen between you too."

Kling walked closer to Tobin and wrapped one leg around Tobin's waist. "What makes you think that?"

There was a brief silence before everyone started to laugh.

"I would never go for Tobin because you two were meant to be together. Talex all the way!" Kling said while throwing her hands in the air. "Plus, Tobin isn't my type anyway. She's too, you know, chill."

"Talex, who the heck is Talex?" Alex asked.

"That's your ship name. It's Tobin and Alex put together, duh. The whole team came up with it once you guys became best friends."

"Oh, interesting," Alex responded.

"You have a type?" Tobin asked shocked.

"The team made a ship name for us years ago and you're more concerned about Kling's type?" Alex asked.

"Well, I would not think, in a million years that Kling would have a type. What is your 'type?' People below five feet and two inches?"

Kling glared at Tobin, "Ha ha, very funny. Anyone but chill people is my type. So, bye."

"Ouch, I'm hurt," Tobin said sarcastically.

"You should be grateful that you are rooming with someone who has a type. Now I'm calm and relieved to know that you will be okay. Anyways, I have to go, team dinner is tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay Tobin?" Alex said.

Tobin sighed, "Okay, I'll make sure we have our privacy." She turned to look at Kling who just put her hand against her face.

Alex laughed, "Bye Tobs, I love you. Bye Kling!"

"Bye Alex, I love you too."

"Bye Alex! I assure you that Tobin is in good hands!"

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