Chapter 22

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Alex was pacing in the dorm, anxiously waiting for Tobin to come back. She was thinking about the many things she would tell Tobin. So many things were going on in her head and she started to panic because she thought about the worst case scenarios of what would happen.

"What if she ignores me? What if she just completely shuts me out of her life? Should I start with an apology? Should I tell her how much I love her? Wait, what if she is leaving Berkeley?" were all the thoughts in Alex's mind.

On the other hand, Tobin returned to Berkeley and slowly started to walk towards her dorm. She contemplated about what she would tell Alex. She wondered if Alex would be angry at her for just leaving her, crying on the floor. She also wondered if everything went smoothly, how she would tell Alex about her transfer.

Tobin arrived at her dorm and stood there, facing her door, scared to open it. She didn't know what to expect so she took a deep breath and slowly inched her hand towards the doorknob.

Alex grew impatient and could not take the feeling of anxiety any longer so she decided to go on a walk to clear her mind. She rushed towards the door and quickly opened it, revealing Tobin whose hand was out in front of her, as if she was still in the action of opening the door. Alex's eyes grew wide while Tobin's face looked surprised.

They both stood there, staring at each other in shock. Both were scared to say a word to each other. But finally, Alex spoke first, breaking the awkward silence and stare.

"Sorry, I was just on my way out," Alex said while trying to move past Tobin. "You're so stupid, Alex! Don't run away from your problem, you should confront Tobin right then and there!" Alex thought to herself. She was about to get past Tobin, but Tobin stopped her.

"I need to talk to you," Tobin said while putting a hand on Alex's shoulder to stop her from walking any further.

Alex looked into Tobin's eyes and read a calm look. She grew relieved that she could now confront Tobin, but grew anxious to hear what Tobin had to say. She quickly nodded in agreement to talk and walked back into the room. She pulled her chair and Tobin's chair and arranged them to face each other so they could both sit and talk.

Tobin arranged her seating so that she could sit on the chair backwards. "That's what old Tobin would do," Alex thought to herself before taking a seat, "I miss the old Tobin."

Tobin cleared her throat before speaking, "I want to first start off with an apology. I'm sorry for leaving you on the floor crying and making you feel like shit everyday. I'm sorry for being the worst roommate ever. I'm sorry for being the worst best friend ever. I'm sorry for-"

Alex cut Tobin off with a chuckle, "Tobin, I get it and I forgive you." Tobin's eyes grew wide because she was surprised that those words came out of Alex's mouth. "I know what you're thinking, 'Omg Alex Morgan actually forgives people, blah blah blah.'" Tobin laughed while flashing her big smile which caused Alex's heart to melt. "But I really do forgive you because I should be the one being sorry. I'm sorry for always lying to you and making things hard. I feel like I'm such a serious and tense person that it's hard for anyone to tell me anything. And I guess that's how it was when you kept your commitment to UNC a secret. It's all my fault and the blame of your accident should be on me. Please don't try to deny it because I do not want to start another argument and just please forgive me. You're so special to me, Tobin Heath, I don't want to lose you."

Tobin was in shock that Alex said those words. She knew that Alex had a soft side, but never a side where she would apologize. And then that's when it hit her. She finally remembered the argument and everything that happened prior to the accident. She remembered Alex being ecstatic about her letter from Berkeley. She remembered having a break down at practice and she remembered everything that happened at Alex's house.

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