Chapter 16

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Tobin read the text message and wondered who Servando was. "That is definitely not a girl's name, wait, why is he calling Alex 'sweetheart?" she wondered to herself.

Alex looked at Tobin who held a confused look.

"Um, he's just a guy I met when I was at the cafeteria," Alex responded.

"You just met him and he's calling you sweetheart?"

"I don't know why he called me that, okay? He just did."

"Right," Tobin said while nodding her head.

Alex glared at Tobin. The last thing she wanted to tell Tobin was that she might have feelings for a boy. But she didn't admit to herself yet since she had just met Serv today.

"Did you think he was cute?" Tobin asked.

Alex gave Tobin a confused look. "I really don't want to talk about this."

"I just asked if you thought he was cute, not if you had sex, jeez."

Alex threw a pillow at Tobin's head. "Fuck off, Tobin."

Tobin laughed but wondered why Alex would not answer the question. She thought it was simple question that just needed a simple answer of yes or no. She wouldn't be hurt if Alex had said yes, maybe. However, she could tell the subject of Servando was uncomfortable to Alex, so she decided to change the subject.

"So, are you going to help me unpack or not?"

Alex was taken out of her gaze and agreed to help Tobin unpack. "What do you want me to do?"

"I can organize my clothes and bed. Can you put away my snacks and toiletries and then hang these pictures on my bulletin board?" Tobin asked while giving Alex a folder with pictures in it.

Alex grabbed the folder and started took a sneak peak of the pictures. "Do you want me to hang it up like I did?" she asked while pointing towards her bulletin board.

Tobin looked at Alex's bulletin board and saw pictures of the both of them. She smiled because she could look at every picture of the both of them together and recall every memory.

"Yeah, that'd be awesome."

Alex organized Tobin's pictures, picking out which one she should hang up first. There were pictures of Tobin with her family, friends, and playing soccer, but she saw none with Alex. Alex grew disappointed and soon felt anger when she saw pictures of Christen and Tobin together. She wished she could rip the pictures apart, but controlled herself. Before Alex could hang up the first picture, Tobin interrupted her.

"Wait, can you hang up this picture too?" Tobin said while handing Alex a picture. She had forgotten she put it in her duffel bag because she packed it at the last minute.

Alex grabbed the picture and saw that it was of the both of them smiling at each other on graduation day. The both of them were gazing into each other's eyes and one might mistake them as a couple.

"This is a cute candid."

"Mama Heath got the shots," Tobin responded and they both laughed.

Alex placed the picture of her and Tobin first and proceeded to hang up the other pictures. Then, she placed Tobin's snacks and necessities on her shelf. She turned to see if Tobin needed help with anything else, but saw something on the ground. She picked it up and started to laugh uncontrollably.

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