Chapter 14

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Today was the day where everyone was heading to college. Christen stayed with Tobin for the summer and helped her pack. Tobin admitted that she had feelings for both Christen and Alex, but she had only told Lauren and Amy. They all spent the summer just going to the beach and relaxing. Christen and Tobin both were happy and Tobin didn't want to break Christen's heart at all. She liked Christen, but she also developed feelings for Alex.

Alex just focused on soccer during the summer by practicing with Kelley and Syd. She would see Christen and Tobin at the mall and would walk away as quickly as possible. Tobin would catch Alex walking away, but didn't make an effort to catch her because she didn't want Christen to become suspicious.

Lauren and Amy slept over Tobin's house to spend their last day of summer together. Then, soon enough it was time to say goodbye.

"Well, this is it," Amy said.

"This is it," replied Tobin.

"You guys are making it sound like we are never seeing each other again. For goodness sake, we are all going to be staying in California!" Lauren responded.

Everyone laughed and embraced one another in a group hug.

"Dang it, I told myself no crying," Amy said while wiping her eyes.

"I'm going to miss you guys, but I'll being seeing you on the soccer field," Tobin said.

"Let's promise that we will remain best friends and hang out whenever we can," Lauren said.

"Pinky promise," Amy and Tobin responded together.

Soon enough, Lauren and Amy's parents arrived to take them to college. Amy gave Lauren and Tobin a hug and ran to her car. "See you soon!" She yelled while the car drove away.

Lauren turned to Tobin, "Remember our promise?"

"I promise to try my best to remember Alex and to forgive her at all costs."

Lauren smiled and patted Tobin's head, "Good girl. I'm gonna miss you, kiddo."

Tobin gave Lauren one last hug before she walked to the car and drove off. Right when Lauren left, Christen arrived ready to drive Tobin to Berkeley.

"You ready?" Christen shouted from her car.

Tobin nodded and went back into the house to get her bags and say goodbye to her mom. She walked around the house making sure she did not forget anything. Finally, she turned to her mom who was crying while holding a stuffed bear.

"Don't forget this little guy," Mrs. Heath pulled Tobin into a hug, "I am going to miss you so much, but I'll come watch your games, okay?"

Tobin started to cry too and nodded her head. "Thanks, mom, for everything. I love you." She pulled away and grabbed her suitcase and duffel bag. As she was walking outside, she stopped to look back and wave goodbye to her mom. Mrs. Heath waved back with tears filling her eyes. She was so proud of her daughter for overcoming obstacles and being ready to take on the next chapter of her life. She thanked Christen for everything and waved goodbye as they drove off.

"Are you excited?" Christen asked.

"I guess, but mostly nervous. What if my roommate is messy and a slob? Or what if she doesn't like me? I don't want to live with a girl who hates me for a year."

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